Slack now has 1.1M daily active users, 300K paid seats, $25M in annual recurring revenue
Startup Slack today announced that more than 1.1 million people use its team communication application every day. That’s up from 750,000 in April, when Slack announced a $160 million funding round.
Companies are now paying for more than 300,000 Slack seats, up from 200,000 three months ago.
Slack is currently generating more than $25 million in annual recurring revenue, according to a statement. The figure has doubled since February, when it was $12 million.
The growth statistics are impressive, considering that the Slack app launched just 16 months ago.
Slack - 110万アクティブユーザー、30万有料ユーザー、$2500万年間経常収益
Of course, San Francisco-based Slack wants to keep growing. To that end, Slack has hired April Underwood as its new head of platform. Underwood spent five years at Twitter and left in February as the social media company’s director of product. Now she’ll focus on developer relations, application programming interface (API) integrations, and partnerships at Slack.
Speaking of integrations, Slack users are setting up more and more of them. Teams have set up more than 900,000 now. There were than 800,000 integrations in February.
サンフランシスコに拠点を置くSlackは、もちろん成長を続けていく狙いだ。そのために、Slackはプラットフォームの新しい責任者としてApril Underwood氏を迎え入れた。Underwood氏はTwitter社で5年間勤め、同社の製品担当責任者となり、2月に退社した。現在、同氏はSlackで開発者たちの管理、アプリケーションプログラミングインターフェース(API)の統合、企業提携に注力していくということだ。
Today Slack offers almost 100 integrations with external applications, including GitHub, Google Drive, Trello, and Twitter. Slack wants to add a lot more integrations going over the next few months.
And hey, the company is making progress in another way. Last month Slack cofounder and chief technology officer Cal Henderson pointed out to VentureBeat that the Slack homepage “more or less hasn’t changed since the day we launched. You can visit the homepage of Slack and it won’t tell you what it is.” This week, that finally changed. A fresh new homepage now shows off several key features.
Slackは別の場面でも進歩している。Slackの共同創立者兼CTO(最高技術責任者)Cal Henderson氏は先月VentureBeatにSlackホームページは「多かれ少なかれSlack起業以来変更されていない」と指摘した。「Slackのホームページは訪問することができますが、ホームページをみてもSlackが何であるかは分かりません」。 今週ついに変化が起こった。新しいホームページはいくつかの重要な機能を披露する。