[英語からネイティブ 日本語への翻訳依頼] シンガポールの市場のでコーチの2つの主力な競争相手がケイト・スペードとマイケル・コースであると決定しました。 その理由は、同国ではドゥーニー&バークが入...

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drivingmaulによる依頼 2015/05/15 15:35:43 閲覧 2953回
残り時間: 終了

Competitors Analysis

With its origins from New York City, USA, Coach is the largest player in the US luxury handbag market with about 36% market share as accordance of Marketline, February 2012..
Basing its image of affordable luxury, Coach reaches out to a larger demographic compared to many of its higher-priced competitors in the luxury goods market such as Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Dooney & Bourke, and Cole Haan.
These competitors tend to focus on a higher income, high-fashion demographic.

Among these higher-price competitors in the US, Dooney & Bourke and Cole Haan are Coach’s closest competitors at the product category level (classic, American-style fine leather goods).


手の届く高級品というイメージを基に、Coachは高級商品市場の中で、Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Dooney & BourkeそしてCole Haanといったより高額商品を扱う多くの強豪と比較して、より広い購買層に着手した。

米国内のこうした高級競合の中で、Dooney & BourkeとCole Haanは商品カテゴリー層(クラシック、アメリカンスタイルの良質皮革製品)でのCoarchのもっとも近い競合と言える。

For the Singapore market, we decided that Coach’s two main competitors would be Kate Spade and Michael Kors instead.
The reason being that Dooney & Bourke is not available in Singapore and Cole Haan is relatively unknown in Singapore, despite having a retail outlet at ION orchard.

On the other hand, Kate Spade is well established in Singapore and Michael Kors, though very new in the market (having just entered Singapore last November), is an up and coming brand and is fast gaining in brand awareness.

シンガポール市場でのCoachの2大競合としてKate SpadeとMichael Korsが代わりに挙げられる。
Dooney & BourkeとCole Haanが同国で入手できない理由として、ION orchard内に販売店があるにも拘らず知名度が低いことがある。

一方、Kate SpadeとMichael Korsは新参(昨年11月に進出したばかり)だが、有望で急速な知名度普及によりシンガポールでのブランド確立に成功している。

Kate Spade and Michael Kors are also similar to Coach in terms of their price range, product offerings, and “American” image/ appeal, as will also be depicted by their points of parity and points of difference that we will discuss in greater detail further on.

In addition, Yahoo Finance (Singapore) has also identified Kate Spate and Michael Kors as Coach’s competitors, as seen in the diagram below.

価格帯、取扱商品、アメリカンイメージ/魅力においてもKate SpadeとMichael KorsはCoachに近く、

加えて、Yohoo Finance (Singapore)は下記の図表の通り、Kate SpateとMichael KorsをCoachの競合相手とみなしている。



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