Good Job!!
冒頭からPOPなシングル曲の”Ice cream”に始まり、エレクトロ調の"Highway Dancer"や"Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"。
Good Job!!
BACK-ON's long-awaited 3rd album is full of musical variety, unlike the 2nd album in which the rock sound seemed to have been thoroughly pursued.
It begins with pop-style single "Ice cream" and then moves on to electro-style "Highway Dancer" and "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"
そして"come on & Let's go"ではm-floとの共演でも知られるEmyliと台湾で人気のロックバンド OVER DOSE のメンバーである kailis(ケイリス)が友情出演し、今までで最もシリアスなサウンドを聞かせる。 また、これまでに聞けたロックチューンやバラードもちりばめられた、BACK-ON第2章の始まりを感じさせる作品となっている。
And in "come on & let's go", Emyli who is known for her collaboration with m-flo, and also kailis who is a member of a popular Taiwanese rock band OVER DOSE make a cameo appearance, creating the most serious sound ever. Also, with the already-familiar rock tunes and ballads, this album might be the beginning of BACK-ON chapter two.