I am afraid I will need to have this forwarded to a specialist who might be able to remove the negative feedback for us. Several investigations will be done to make sure we do the right thing not just for you but also for the buyer. To avoid this in the future, you can open an Unpaid Item case instead of the Cancel Transaction Request. Because negative feedback will automatically be removed if the buyer gets an Unpaid Item Strike for non payment. Please give us 7-10 days for the investigation. We will let you know as soon as we get an update. I appreciate your patience and efforts working with us to get this resolved. Thank you for choosing eBay. We value your business.
今後このような事を避ける為に、Cancel Transaction Request(取引のキャンセル)の代わりにUnpaid Item case(未払いのケース)を開いてはいかがでしょうか?
この場合バイヤー様がお支払いをせずにUnpaid Item Strikes(未払い請求)をお受け取りになった場合ネガティヴな評価は自動的に取り消されます。