Folder のメインボーカルとして1997 年にデビュー。
2005 年3 月にシングル「Keep It Goin' On」でソロ・デビュー。
Born on August 24th 1987, from Okinawa prefecture.
Debuts as the main vocalist for Folder in 1997.
Releases the single "Keep It Goin' On' in March 2005, his solo debut.
天性の歌声とリズム感を持ち、コレオグラフやソングライティング、楽器も操るスーパーエンターテイナー。 抜群の歌唱力と世界水準のダンスによるそのパフォーマンスは、もはや他の追随を許さない。2012年には初の日本武道館が10分でSOLD OUT。2013 年には、初の横浜アリーナ単独公演を大成功させるなど、今その人気は上昇を続けている。
Has a natural singing voice and a sense of rhythm, a super entertainer able to manage choreography, song writing and playing instruments. Thanks to his perfect singing skill and world-class dancing, his performances are unmatched. In 2012, his first appearance in Nippon Budoukan was sold out in minutes. In 2013, His first solo performance in Yokohama Arena was also a huge success, his popularity only continues to grow.