[英語から中国語(簡体字)への翻訳依頼] The Japanese obsession with all things cute has reached new heights, as a cra...

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activetestによる依頼 2014/06/13 15:46:06 閲覧 3421回
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The Japanese obsession with all things cute has reached new heights, as a craze for pictures of hamsters' bottoms gains momentum.

More than 40,000 copies of photo books of "hamuketsu" - a word that's a mash-up of the Japanese for hamster and bottom - have already been sold, and one of the publishers has set up a Facebook page dedicated to furry hamster behinds. The page has thousands of fans and hundreds of photos have been uploaded so far.

"The great thing about hamuketsu is that it is delightfully cute," a spokesman for Basilico, one of the publishers, tells the Wall Street Journal. "I can't stop smiling when I see these bottoms." Another book on the topic is called Hamuketsu: So Cute You Could Faint.


人们甚至使用日文里仓鼠和屁股的两个词混搭出一个词叫hamuketsu, 一本以此命名的影集已经售出超过40,000本。其中一个出版商为这种毛茸茸的仓鼠后背专门建立了Facebook页面。该页面随后获得了数以千记的粉丝,而且至今已经有数百张照片上传了。

“关于hamuketsu最好的事情是,它实在是令人愉快的可爱。”出版商之一Basilico的发言人告诉华尔街日报, “当我看到这些屁股时,我就忍不住微笑。”类似的另外一本书的书名叫做Hamuketsu:萌翻你



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