あなたが呼び止めた ひんやりした廊下
並んでふたりで 返却ノートを運ぶ
たった一瞬触れた この肩と肩に
うつむいて 赤く耳を染めた私です
放課後 ためいき
更多更詳盡歌詞 在
風に髪あずけ その胸まで飛び込みたい
パパもママにも教わってないこと 教えて
Partition Love
I called a halt to your steps in the chilled hallway
With notebooks to return in arms, we walked side by side
And there was me hanging my head in shame, ears reddened
for just a fleeting touch when our shoulders met
A sigh when class is over
"Lower your voice and hold your breath soft"
Lyric will be available soon
Leaving my hair to the wind, I want to jump in to your chest
Hey, Teacher
Teach me what I'm yet to know, gently so
I want to shine better than anyone else
So, I want you to notice me
Hey, Teacher
Teach me what both dad and mom won't ever do
A Partition Love
calling out from deep in my eyes
yet never getting through to you