その大混雑の風景を普通の人の目線より1メートルくらい高い所から撮影をした。通っていた写真学校のある講師が「スナップこそ写真の基本である。」と言っていた。当時 落第生だった私にはその言葉はよくわからなかった。
But looking at that very crowded scenery on the news, I really love talking about "wow, that's a lot of people" stuff with my family and people.
That type of crowded scenery was shot from a place that is around 1 meter higher than the normal line of sight. Using the photo, the instructor told us that "Snap is basic photography." I was a failing student that time and could not understand those words.
This is a picture taken around 4:00 in the evening. The tent was almost blown away by the intense wind and rain during the day. The business man was waiting in the car you've been riding.