This new app helps Koreans and Japanese speak English like it’s their first language
Korean educational startup Smatoos, known for its BeNative apps, has just launched an iOS app called Formula for English Conversation (our translation) for people in Japan and Korea, which focuses on improving English speaking skills. It’s free, and the Android version will be released within the first quarter of this year.
韓国の教育スタートアップ SmatoosはBeNativeアプリで知られた企業で、Formula for English Conversation (私たちの翻訳) というiOSアプリを日本と韓国に住む人たちを対象にローンチしたところだ。このアプリは英会話スキルを伸ばすことを目的としている。このアプリは無料でAndroidバージョンを今年の第1四半期中にはリリースする予定だ。
Like other English education apps out there, this app was developed to remove the common frustration of language learners who cannot come up with proper words when they encounter native speakers of the language, even though they know a wide range of vocabulary. One video lesson in Formula for English Conversation takes about 10 minutes, targeting busy professionals who do snack-learning (1) in their limited free time. It includes a recording function that allows users to compare their pronunciation with that of native speakers so they can correct it later.
他の英語教育アプリと同じようにこのアプリは、たとえボキャブラリーが豊富な人でもその言語のネーティブスピーカーとの会話で適切な言葉が思いつかないという語学を勉強をしている人達が抱えている共通の不満を取り除くために開発された。「英会話の公式:Formula for English Conversation」の動画レッスン1つは約10分間で、限られた自由時間を使ってスナックラーニング(1:通勤中等の限られた自由時間内にスマートフォンやタブレットを使ってeラーニングすること)を行っている忙しい社会人をターゲットにしている。録音機能がありユーザはネーティブスピーカーとの発音の比較ができ、後で直すことができる。
The startup will organize offline events for users on a regular basis. Through these events, people can find friends with the same goal and give each other inspiration. Some native English speakers will also attend the event so that users can practice what they have learned.
This app is available only in Japan and Korea now, but Smatoos is planning China and Taiwan releases by the end of February. The team is targeting 500,000 monthly active users for the app. They want to add other languages for learning, such as Japanese, Korean, and Chinese so as to expand the startup’s presence in the Asian mobile educational market.
Formula for English Conversation is free for iPhone, available in Japanese and in Korean. Check out the demo video:
1. Snack-learning is e-learning with smartphones or tablets during limited free time such as commuting.
Formula for English ConversationはiPhone向けの無料アプリで、日本語版と韓国語版がある。
1. Snack-learningは通勤時間などの限られた時間でスマートフォンおよびタブレットを利用して行うeラーニングだ。