御存知の通り、日本は大災害を受け多くの方々が亡くなり各所で復旧に向けての取り組みが行われています。その中、私は、微力ながらもチャリティとしてのコンサートをやりはじめています。pops、vocal jazz、更にはゴスペルが主体です。その中、あなたの「NEW WONDER」をミュージシャンに吹かせ、オークションに出し、復興基金として寄付することを思いつきました。ネーミングもベストです。あなたはどちらのサックスを私に提供するか、2本まとめてが条件、などをお決めください。
As you know, Many people died from the great disaster occurred in Japan on March, 11. To recover the result, many actions were carried out everywhere. With limited the ability, I organized a concert as a charity. The concert consisted of pops, vocal, jazz and gospel. your “ NEW WONDER” was blew by musicians and the action contributed to auction as soup stock, a revival fund.
I have a feeling that you did not know I am Japanese.
It is okay for you to provide me information about how to maintain the instrument later.
I do respect you and believe in the quality of the saxophone.
Please also let me know if you would show a different price other than $750 for Japan.
I believe that we have to be win-win when it comes to business.
If this will not go well, I would like to negotiate again and purchase a different saxophone.