食料: 缶詰(缶切りが不要なもの)、カップめん、米(無洗米)、お菓子
医療関係品: 包帯、バンドエイド、消毒液
場所:(社)岩国青年会議所(岩国市今津町3-14-19 TEL:0827-23-1177)
期間: 3月14日(月)~3月19日(土)
時間: 10:00~16:00
Aid Needed
Food : canned food (which can be opend witout a can opener), cup noodles, no-wash rice, snacks
Daily necessities : flashlight/electric torch , batteries, disposable bodywarmer, toothbrush, disposable diapers, women's sanitary product, wet tissue, soap,
no water needed shampoo
Medical supplies : bandages, bandaids, antiseptic solution
We accept donations in US Dollars as well
at Iwakuni Junior Chamber Inc.
( add. 3-14-19 Imazumachi, Iwakuni-city tel.0827-23-1177 )
during the periodo between Monday, March 14 and Saturday, March 19
from 10:00 to 16:00