Sam is a New Zealander who runs Niseko Xtreme Tours, a local company specialising in back-country tours. We liaised with him over 10 days while waiting for the perfect conditions – there was much monitoring of weather patterns, avalanche reports and careful map-reading.
Finally, we hit the road at 8am one morning and, after an hour's drive, arrived at the base of the mountain. After putting on snowshoes, testing our avalanche transceivers (you would be surprised at how many people omit this vital bit of kit) and packing our shovels, probes, food, boots and skis, we set off for the day.
SamはNiseko Xtreme Toursを主催するニュージーランド人で、バックカントリーツアーを専門に主催する地元企業です。私たちは彼と10日以上連絡を取り合いながら天候変動、雪崩の予報、そして注意深く地図を読み、最高のコンディションを待ちました。