[英語からネイティブ 日本語への翻訳依頼] 伝統的なバージョンコントロールシステムとは異なり、Gitには多くのピアを設定できます。このピア(Gitではリモートと呼びます)は、長いURLに対するブック...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" "テクノロジー" のトピックと関連があります。 [削除済みユーザ] さん ringobako さん cafeole さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 12件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 3650文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 3時間 20分 です。

camelmasaによる依頼 2013/09/05 18:15:16 閲覧 3728回
残り時間: 終了

Event Information

The Course
This course is live training from an expert in Git. We'll have six 50 minutes sessions during which we'll explore the foundations of Git through the practical every-day commands. We'll conclude with some workflow ideas and practical tips that will get you on the road to success with this revolutionary version control system.

Class Outline
In this Git and GitHub.com course, we'll cover the full gamut of using Git effectively, including the syntax and the refactored thinking and capabilities that Git brings to the table. The general outline, which adapts to your questions, is as follows:

- Setting Up Git
- Configuring Git
- Three Stage Thinking
- The Git File Workflow
- Speed



- Gitのセットアップ
- Gitの設定
- 3段階の考え方
- Gitファイルワークフロー
- スピード

Once the new mindset of Git and DVCSes has been established, the power of Git's staging area and content tracking (not just file tracking) is fully revealed. The performance characteristics of Git versus Subversion are explored and put into perspective.

- Cloning Repositories

The first step in obtaining the contents of an existing Git repository is cloning. This activity is explored to a deep level including the mechanics of repository storage.

- Command Composition
- Storage
- Hashes

Git's unique use of hashes as object identifiers is made clear and the treeish navigation vocabulary is introduced.

- Branches

The motivations for when to branch and the many-faceted syntax of creating branches is explored in depth.


- リポジトリのクローン

- コマンド合成
- ストレージ
- ハッシュ

- ブランチ

- Remotes

Unlike a traditional version control system, Git can have many peers. These peers, called remotes, can be thought of as simple bookmarks for long URLs.

- Tagging

Tags are a first class citizen in the Git version control system. Tags will be used to start new branches and simply mark milestones in the code's lifetime.

- Merging

Branching is encouraged in Git and thus merging is accordingly a frequent operation. Leverage Git's efficient merge algorithms and learn how to deal with fast forward or conflicting merges.

- Rebasing

Git takes the idea of merging further with rebasing. Rebasing keeps volatile changes in a branch and guarantees that they will apply cleanly to the mainline when merged.





- Undo

Git provides unique capabilities to undo mistakes or alter previous commits. Leverage reset, revert, amend and clean to make the source code's history as perfect as possible.

- Git-SVN

Git works seamlessly in a round-trip fashion with Subversion repositories. Learn how to convert a Subversion repo to Git and how to transactionally replay your Git transactions back into the Subversion history (perhaps on the sly) while colleagues are still using the legacy VCS.

Instructor Bio
Matthew McCullough is an energetic 15 year veteran of enterprise software development, open source education, and co-founder of Ambient Ideas, LLC, a Denver consultancy.



Matthew McCulloughはエンタープライズソフトの開発やオープンソースの教育における精力的な15年目のベテランで、Ambient Ideas, LLCというデンバーのコンサルティング会社の共同創業者です。

Matthew currently is a member of the JCP, reviewer for technology publishers, author of the Presentation Patterns & Anti-Patterns book, multi-year speaker on the No Fluff Just Stuff tour, presenter at dozens of international conferences, author of three of the 10 most popular DZone RefCardz (including Git) and President of the Denver Open Source Users Group.

マシューは現在、JCPのメンバー、技術出版社のレビュアー、プレゼンテーション・パターン&アンチパターンの本の著者、No Fluff Just Stuffツアーの数年に渡る講演者、数十人規模の国際会議のプレゼンター、DZone RefCardz10の最も人気な本に入るうちの3冊の著者(Gitを含む)、そしてDenver Open Source Users Groupの会長です。

Git has been a primary tool in Matthew's teaching and consulting practice for several years. Matthew's helped small shops to 5,000 person companies convert from proprietary version control systems over to Git, helping them maximize the benefits and minimize efforts. The resulting productivity and collaboration boosts from development teams have been nothing short of amazing.

Matthew resides in Denver with his beautiful wife and two young daughters, who are active in nearly every outdoor activity Colorado offers.





  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
