RiMa Helps You Avoid Buying Fake Products
While many Chinese and even foreigners do enjoy buying counterfeit luxury bags or designer goods in China, food frauds have become a huge concern of people living in China.
RiMa is to tackle this problem. Literally it means “sharp code” in Chinese that consumers will be told whether a good is fake by scanning the code on it with RiMa app or type it in. As the code on each piece of good is unique, the app would remind you to be cautious if it has been scanned once — chances are a consumer is about to buy the very piece after it is found authentic.
RiMAはこうした問題に取り組んでいる。これは、文字どおり「sharp code」という意味があり、消費者が、RiMaアプリでコードをスキャンするかもしくは入力することでその商品が偽造品かどうか知ることができる。商品につけられたコードが1つ1つ異なるため、このアプリにより、商品が過去にスキャン履歴があるかどうか、消費者が気をつけることができる。これにより、消費者はその商品が本物だとわかった後、まさに同じ製品を買おうとするだろう。
RiMa started with baby & mother care products which Chinese particularly care about especially after a series of milk scandals. Categories like wine are also the company’s first choices.
It needs brands to provide all the code numbers of their products. Incentives for them to do so include RiMa would, in turn, provides them with consumer data, such as where (i.e. which department stores) consumers buy their products, and services like they are allowed to send consumers e-coupons.
The app wants to eventually be a tool helping brands track their goods all the way, from distributors, retailers to end users. On top of which brands can build a CRM system and will have more data for analysis.
RiMa just graduated from ChinaAccelerator‘s 2013 batch. The team of five has worked on the product for only three months.
RiMaは2013年度のChina Acceleratorを修了したばかりだ。この5人のチームがこの製品に取り組んだのはたった3ヶ月であった。