[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 強い需要は始まりにすぎない ほとんどすべての人がWooBoardのアイデアを気に入ったが、それイコール顧客の獲得というわけではなかった。個人の、そし...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2013/07/11 11:34:14 閲覧 4377回
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7 lessons this B2B startup founder learned

Mick Liubinskas is co-founder of WooBoard.com, a Sydney-based global company aiming to help people love their jobs by giving them daily recognition.

What lessons can you learn from a B2B startup? Mick Liubinskas from Wooboard, an employee recognition platform shares about his journey.

WooBoard was first raised as an idea back in May 2011. Wonderfully, and amazingly, it’s still alive and kicking two years on. We’ve learned some interesting things about building a B2B SaaS business focused on employee recognition and here are just some of the highlights.


Mick Liubinskas氏はオーストラリア、シドニーに拠点を構えるWooBoard.comの共同創業者の内の一人である。WooBoard.comは日々のやりがいを通じて仕事を好きになる事を後押しするグローバルカンパニーだ。

このB2Bのスタートアップから学べる教訓とは何か。従業員の働きぶりを認めるプラットフォームWooBoardのMick Liubinskas氏が自身の経験を語る。


Strong demand is just the start

Almost everyone loved the idea of WooBoard but that didn’t easily translate into real customers. Who wouldn’t want more recognition personally and for their company? But first we had to pick which customers we could serve to begin with given a limited budget. Everyone had a different view of what they wanted and almost every situation asked for different features. So we had lots of trials (700 in fact) with 600 of them saying they’ll come back later. It was important to say no to them otherwise we’d build a product for everyone and lose everyone.



It feels harsh early to miss out on eager customers but it’s better to focus and make a smaller group ecstatic. One of our first customers has now generated over 12,000 Woo’s (or moments of recognition) in under two years which is amazing.

Cultural Differences are Important Early On

We had interest from lots of different countries, particularly USA, Japan and Poland. The personal element of WooBoard added in a cultural difference between countries. Not only did this impact user experience, it also dealt with language.



私達は異なる多くの国 ——特に、アメリカ、日本、ポーランド—— から関心を得た。だから、WooBoardのパーソナル要素に国ごとの文化の違いを加えた。このことはユーザーエクスペリエンスに影響を与えただけでなく、言葉の問題にも影響した。

Japan and Poland got that a Woo was that sound you made when you achieve something, but some customers from the US thought the Woo made it sound like a dating site. As we progressed this became less and less important because people focus on the value created and the strength of the product.


Seasonality makes a difference

We’ve learned that business to business products ebb and flow with the seasons. Tax time, school holidays, planning periods, launch periods, and busy periods all impact how much attention you get. Sometimes it’s a good thing – like when someone critically needed WooBoard to motivate their staff before a big launch. Other times it’s a bad thing – like holiday seasons when many people switch off. The sales cycle needs to be considered against an annual calendar to avoid delays in closing.


企業向けのプロダクトは季節によって盛衰することが分かった。納税時期、学校の休み、計画期間、ローンチ時期、繁忙期などのすべてが、利用度に影響する。いい時もある ——例えば、大々的なローンチを前にスタッフにやる気を起こさせようとWooBoardをすごく必要としているとき。そして、悪いときもある ——多くの人がWooBoardをオフにするホリデーシーズン。売上のサイクルは、決算の遅れを避けるために年間のカレンダーに備えて検討する必要がある。

“Blue Ocean” isn’t easy

Wooboard is in a new category of products servicing an old need in a new way. There are a few competitors but we still mainly deal with companies with manual or no existing system. So you’re not attacking for a share of a pre-allocated budget. Again, this is great since you have lots of green-field opportunities, but it’s also harder because you may need to convince multiple stakeholders that it’s worth it.



Be a pain killer and a vitamin

It helps to add quick value and slow value over time. Most people want to use WooBoard to solve an immediately problem, “I want engaged staff now”, which is great. But we also want to keep customers for the long term. We needed to work, and keep working, to make sure that fast value translates into a deeper value over time. We often thought about Farmville and even World of Warcraft which does a great job to get brand new, zero experience customers engaged and then different techniques to keep them coming back.


即効性のある価値、そして時間をかけて効く価値を提供するのは助けとなる。ほとんどの人が、「今、仕事に没頭してほしい」というような直面する問題を解決するためにWooBoardを利用したがる——いい事ではある。だが、顧客を長期的にも維持したい。これには取り組む必要があった。継続的に取り組んで、即効性のある価値を時間が経つにつれ大きな価値になるようしなければならなかった。「Farmville」や、更には、全くの新規ユーザで経験のない顧客を虜にし異なるテクニックを使って顧客をリピーターにすることに長けている「World of Warcraft」のことを頻繁に思いめぐらした。

Exponential correlation of size and complexity

A larger company means a larger potential opportunity but it also means a much, much larger challenge and longer time. We had interest from companies ranging from five to 50,000 people. We had our fingers crossed that we would be able to sell into larger companies department by department with managers putting us on their credit cards. This did happen, but still we faced many of the questions of a larger enterprise sell. They were more likely to want integration into their existing system (Sharepoint, SAP or Lotus Notes), more challenges with browser compatibility and were more likely to have IT or HR want to get involved and make life harder or slower.


大企業といえば、チャンスの可能性も大きいが、取組みの課題も遥かに大きく時間もかかる。当社は社員数5人〜5万人規模の企業から問合せを受け、大企業の部署ごとから契約が取れるように願った。実際に契約をとったが、それでも大企業への販売には多くの問いかけに直面した。大企業は既存システム(Sharepoint、SAP、もしくはLotus Notes)への統合を望む傾向が高く、ブラウザ対応への課題も多く、ITや人事部にも関与させて、仕事をより難しく遅くしたがる傾向にあった。

$10 or $100,000?

With pricing we had this strange tipping point as we were building out the product. People would expect it to be like most SaaS products and cost US$10 to US$200 per month. Then after really seeing the impact we could have on motivation and productivity, they’d often change their mind and say it should be a US$100,000 sell to the whole company. They are probably right, but step by step, we’re adding more value to the product, building the sales tools and increasing the revenue per customer.




2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。




  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
