[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] NewsLoopは東南アジアにおける言語の壁を壊せるか。 NewsLoopの責任者Alex Fenby氏はこのアプリの、FlipboardやPuls...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2013/06/10 11:31:23 閲覧 3193回
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NewsLoop wants to break the language barrier in Southeast Asia

NewsLoop director Alex Fenby shares on how the app is different from other news aggregator apps like Flipboard and Pulse.

While the print industry took a blow from the advent and proliferation of the world wide web, many of these publications quickly moved online to avoid being left behind. NewsLoop, a content aggregator for mobile, is a subsidiary of SingTel, a Singaporean telecomm company which has acquired several companies throughout the APAC region.


NewsLoopの開発責任者Alex Fenby氏は,このアプリとFlipboardやPulseなど他のニュース集積アプリとの違いについて語った。


Southeast Asia is incredibly fragmented in terms of language, race and culture. Alex Fenby, director at NewsLoop, shares that the app, available on both iOS and Android, offers both local and English language content. “In Indonesia, for example, we have partnered with some of the best Bahasa Indonesia websites and portals. We’re doing the same in other countries we are planning on launching in.”

[NewsLoop is Echelon 2013‘s official app partner. You don’t want to miss a thing! Grab your tickets to attend Asia’s largest tech conference today.]

東南アジアには,言語・人種・文化の面で途方もない多様性がある。NewsLoopの責任者Alex Fenby氏によると,このアプリはiOSとAndroidの両方で入手でき,コンテンツを現地語と英語のいずれでも閲覧できる。「例えばインドネシアでは,バハサインドネシア語の優良なウェブサイトやポータルサイトと提携しています。今後サービス開始予定の他の国々でも,同様の方針で進めています』。


Currently, NewsLoop has a presence in Singapore, Australia and Indonesia and will continue its efforts to expand regionally in the coming months. However, there are so many news aggregator apps, like Flipboard and Pulse, for instance. How would an app like NewsLoop differentiate itself from its competitors? Alex noted that it is their focus on local content and Asian users that will set them apart from their rivals. “In each country that we roll out NewsLoop, we aggregate the best of local content, from mainstream media to long tail bloggers. We then combine that with global media brands like the BBC or ESPN.


That combination gives users a highly relevant and engaging experience across the more than 30 news and lifestyle categories we offer.”

The app has done relatively well since they launched on the iPad last July. Alex added that since then, they have added an iPhone and Android smartphone version. In Singapore, they have seen about 300 reviews with an average 4-star rating as they consistently get listed in the Top Five of the iTunes News category.



What then are the most popular publications in Southeast Asia? Alex noted that big names like Channel News Asia, BBC and ESPN are very popular, but people also enjoy reading content from long-tail bloggers. “We combine major media brands with small bloggers in our 30 news and lifestyle categories. It is all about quality content, so that whenever users open up NewsLoop they see articles they want to read. Another great feature of NewsLoop is that it remembers what you have read so that the next time you open up the app it surfaces articles from your favorite publications. That way you’ll never miss your favourite content.”

それでは,東南アジアにおける最もポピュラーな出版物はどれだろうか?Fenby氏は,Channel News AsiaやBBC,ESPNといった一流メディアは大変人気があるものの,多くの人はロングテール・ブロガーのコンテンツも好んで読んでいる,と述べている。「弊社の30のニュースやライフスタイル・コンテンツでは主要メディアと小規模ブロガーを統合しています。すべてはハイクオリティなコンテンツを提供するためです。これにより,ユーザーはNewsLoopを開く時いつでも読みたい記事を見つけることができます。さらに,NewsLoopの別の大きな特徴は,ユーザーが読んだ記事を記憶し,次回アプリを開いた時にユーザーのお気に入りの情報誌からの記事をトップに表示することです。これで,お気に入りのコンテンツを見逃すことはないでしょう」。


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