仕事の事情で残念ながら手放すことなりますが、またいつの日かGT STSを必ず所有したいと思います。
This bike is for someone who would love it and use it carefully.
It has been taken so long for me to make this into the current condition, and I am sure the new owner will be satisfied with it.
If interested, please send me an e-mail. As I have not decided how much I should sell this for, you may offer your desired price to discuss.
As I have my mails translated, it will take time for me to reply to you, nonetheless, I will make sincere transactions.
To the Administrator:
I apologize for using this site for my personal sales activity.
It is quite regrettable for me to say good-by to my bike due to my job situation. But I sure hope someday I have a GT STS again.