App Annie: “Google Play is growing very fast in Southeast Asia”
Beijing’s App Annie is growing rapidly with over 80 team members located at Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo, San Francisco, and London. Today it serves over 220,000 apps with 85 percent of the top 100 iOS publishers using its service.
App Annie is largely serving clients from the US, Europe, China, and Japan and hasn’t really gotten into Southeast Asia yet. But the team just might start to look at Southeast Asia as it is seeing growth in this region. Vice president of APAC at App Annie Junde Yu said in an email:
App Annie: 「Google Playは東南アジアで急成長している」
北京のApp Annieは北京、香港、東京、サンフランシスコ、およびロンドンに80人のチームメンバーを抱えて急成長中だ。現在22万以上のアプリをサポートし、上位100位までのiOSアプリ配信元の85パーセントが同社のサービスを利用している。
App Annieは主にアメリカ、ヨーロッパ、中国、および日本の顧客にサービスを提供しているが、東南アジア市場にはまだ十分に進出できていない。しかし同社はこの地域の成長を見て、進出の機会をうかがっているかもしれない。App AnnieのAPAC副社長のJunde Yu氏はe-mailでこう述べた:
Google Play is growing very fast in terms of downloads in the region, especially in countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines, where downloads are much higher than iOS.
Even though Android downloads are much higher, revenue from iOS is still higher in Southeast Asia. Junde also commented that things will get exciting when Google Play manages to establish local payment options as it has done in South Korea and Japan. He added:
Google Playの同地域におけるダウンロード数は急速に増加していて、特にインドネシア、タイ、ベトナム、フィリピンといった国ではiOSよりもダウンロード数ははるかに多い。
東南アジアでは、Androidのダウンロード数はiOSよりかなり多いが、売り上げではiOSがまだ優位である。Junde氏は、Google Playが韓国や日本で行ったように、ローカルな支払い方法を確立できれば面白くなるともコメントした。彼はこう付け加えた:
Additionally, despite of the growth in downloads, most of the apps downloaded in the SEA markets are published by foreign publishers. There are local publishers, but most of them have more of an international outlook for content and distribution as opposed to local. It will be interesting to observe the rise of the local players for the local markets, as the local markets grow in downloads and revenues.
A Singaporean in China
Junde takes extra interest in Southeast Asia since he was born in Singapore, which is part of the region. Having worked in China for several years now, Junde says that he still has much more to learn from both markets. But from what he has observed, he sees great connection between China and Singapore, noting that SingTel Innov8 (who also invests in China startups) and ACE Beijing Chapter have done a great job bridging the two regions. In China, he sees Innovation Works and the Great Wall Club (which runs GMIC) also having links with Southeast Asia and Singapore.
Junde氏は東南アジアの一部であるシンガポール出身であるため、同地域に特別な関心を持っている。これまで中国で数年間働き、Junde氏は両市場からまだ学ぶことが多く残っていると述べる。しかし彼がこれまで観察したところでは、SingTel Innov8(同社は中国のスタートアップにも投資をする)やACE北京支部が両地域の橋渡しにすばらしい役割を果たしてきたことを挙げて、中国とシンガポールの間に存在する素晴らしいコネクションを見出している。中国では、彼はInnovation Worksおよび(GMICを運営する)Great Wall Clubもまた東南アジアとシンガポールとの関係を持っていると見る。
Junde says people often mistakenly think that Chinese aren’t paying customers. He notes that iOS revenue isn’t significant even with huge downloads because most iOS users in China do not own a foreign credit card to pay Apple. “It is also inconvenient to use local bank cards to top up their iOS credits,” he added.
For Android, Junde says that most revenue-making apps make their bucks from second and third-tier cities, supported by carrier billing that makes paying just an SMS away. He explains that consumers in these cities do not spend much on entertainment outlets like cinemas, pubs, and clubs and thus they are very much content to spend on mobile content.
If you are very serious about the Chinese market, you need to be physically here. If not, you can also work through a distributor/publishers; there are good options available, like iDreamsky, Yodo1, Cocoachina etc.
Coincidentally, Junde will be back in Singapore for the upcoming Casual Connect conference on May 21 to 23. He will be speaking on the topic “Global Trends in App Store Monetization” on May 22, 11.00am where he will be sharing the latest trends about the app store economy and also interesting tips about marketing mobile apps in Asia.
While his work and heart is now mainly in Beijing, Junde does plan to return to Singapore someday to start a game studio, a pub, or a chicken rice franchise.
くしくもJunde氏は5月21日~23日に開かれるCasual Connectカンファレンスに出席するためにシンガポールに一時帰国すると言う。その際彼は「アプリストアから収益を生み出す仕組み作りにおけるグローバルトレンド」というテーマで5月22日の午前11時からスピーチをする予定になっていて、そこではアプリストア・ビジネスにおける最新トレンドや、アジア市場でモバイルアプリをマーケティングするための興味深いヒントが紹介される。