①We are sorry to learn that the buyer in order 026-9587997-3265151 has requested for a refund for the customs duty.
Yes, we understand that transactions like these are quite frustrating and disheartening, however, we do also realise that this is a normal happening in any online selling business. Please be informed that, we do not compel sellers to refund buyers.
The buyer is responsible for the charges on this transaction, so you can reject the refund request.
NOTE: You can accept or reject return request according to your customer service policy.
>> For more information about the customs duty please refer the help page:
ご注意: 返金要求を受けるか拒否するかは、あなたのサービスポリシーに従ってください。
(訳注: 税関の問題が関税の問題にすりかわってしまったようです。)