[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 「あっという間だったわ。拍子抜けするくらい本当に楽だった!痛みも全然なかったの。楽にさせてくれた(Eのお母さん?)に本当に感謝している。タイミングも申し分...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は monagypsy さん freckles さん cherrycoke0328 さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1111文字

aiaiによる依頼 2011/01/09 19:10:07 閲覧 3658回
残り時間: 終了


"It was done in a flash. It was so easier than I expected! I didn't feel a pain at all. I'm thankful to her(E's mother?) who gave me a peace. Also timing was perfect, too. I had enough time to say good-bye.(It sounds like some days until she dies, not the moment before she dies.)" (I received her feeling that she dosen't need to blame anybody because everything happened in perfect timing.)




"I am very happy!" I received joyful feeling. I felt that there are many dogs together in a place with full of light. I received a vision that she is happily playing and running around, laying on her back on green grass, wiggling her body in joy, her little body fully enjoys the pleasant atmosphere.

I saw J is vibrantly running and felt joy and divine happiness that she felt. I felt her joy - that her body is light and she is in full control of her own body.

There are many dogs, there are also cats, but not as many as dogs.


動物のいる所より少し静かで光が少ない感じになり、痩せ型中背、白髪交じりの初老の男性が一人椅子に座っていて、そのひざにピョンとJが乗りました。(左胸の辺りに痛みを感じたので、その男性は亡くなる前に胸を痛めたように感じました。)E の親族で、どちらかというとそう昔ではなく最近亡くなった方のような印象を受け取りました。


Are there human too?

There was an elderly gentleman with dark hair with a little grey, sitting on a chair. The place was calm and not as bright as where animals resided. J jumped onto his knee. (I felt a pain in my left chest. I had impression that the gentleman had some pain in his chest before he died.) I felt that he was one of close relatives of E, who had passed away not long ago.

“No, I do not mind. It is same wherever that is. I am not there. I am in very happy place, so please do not worry.”

「もちろんよ。E のそばにもいるし、ここ(至福の状態でいられる場所)にもいるの。とっても軽くてどこにでもいられるわ。E の所にいるから行くべきところに行っていないというわけじゃないの。ちゃんと幸せにしているから、大丈夫よ。心配しないで。」


“Of course. I am always beside E as well as here (where I feel the divine happiness. )I feel so light and can go wherever I wish. It is not the case that I have not moved on to where I am supposed to, although I am in side of E too. I am happy, I am all right. Do not worry. ”

(I did not ask because I knew that she had already crossed to the “other side”.)

E、私はもうちゃんと成仏しているわ。私の体も心も、とっても軽くて、本当に幸せなの。E にも感じてもらいたいくらい。だから私のことはもう心配いらないわ。もちろん、時々恋しくてあなたの所にも行くけれど、私がこんなに楽しくしているのにあなたたちが悲しそうにしているの、なんだか見ていられないわ。だから、もう乗り越えてちょうだい、そして元気になって!

E, I had moved onto the “other side”. My body and heart are light and I am in full of joy. I wish you could feel how I feel too. You should not worry about me. Surely I miss you time to time therefore I visit you to see you. But it is hard to see that you are in sorrow; as opposed to I am enjoying my “life” so much. Please do not feel sad anymore, and become happy too!

コミュニケーションは3回に分けて行いましたが、Jからは一貫して非常に強いエネルギーと、喜び、至福感が伝わってきており、彼女から悲壮感や恐怖心、不安などは微塵も受け取りませんでした。通常、成仏していない動物とコミュニケーションをした場合、光の少ないとても暗い所にいますが、J の場合は、大変明るい場所にいて無事に成仏している状態でした。ですので、いくつかの質問は不要と判断し行いませんでした。

I communicated with J in 3 separate occuasions. I constantly felt strong positive energy, joy and divine fullness while I was communicating. I did not receive slight sorrow, fear and worry from her. It is usually the case that when an animal is not fully moved onto the “other side”, she or he is in dark place with little light. J was in very bright place and I felt that she had happily moved onto the “other side”. Thus, I knew some of questions were unnecessary and I did not ask.





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