Translator specialised in website and SEO translation

$8.00 / 1時間
簡単作業・その他 / その他
英語 → スペイン語
Translator specialised in SEO, your website will not only be opened to a new market but also with a good SEO level.
Currently official translator of
Any time


英語 フランス語 スペイン語
ビジネス Webサイト マーケティング 会計 契約書 ジャーナリズム
French / English into Spanish translator specialised in Legal, economic and marketing translation.

My experience includes working in legal and economic translation for more than seven years in Spain, France and England. My expertise lies in the improvement of all language services on a company, I am a great communicator with excellent written and oral communication skills and I present highly developed linguistic skills. Moreover, I have good knowledge on digital marketing, e-commerce and excellent management skills.