I specialize in translating English to Indonesian and vice versa.

$7.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
Standard 英語 → インドネシア語
I am a meticulous person and pay attention to detail. I use both languages (English and Bahasa Indonesia) daily so I am fluent in both.
I have experiences in doing online and offline translations, as well as making phrase variations in English and Indonesian.
I would be contactable from Monday-Thursday at 5PM to 10PM (GMT+8) and Friday-Saturday at 9AM to 5PM (GMT+8).
Feel free to leave me emails at irena.trifena@hotmail.com anytime.


インドネシア語 (native) 英語
サイエンス 文化 文学 生物 旅行・観光
I will gladly help to deal with translations in English and Bahasa Indonesia :)