Translation from English to French

$26.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
Senior 英語 → フランス語
Hi I am native French and a freelance Translator. I will translate your documents. Don' t hesitate to contact me now!
I have been translating for almost 10 years
I am GMT+1


フランス語 (native) 英語
Are you looking for a competent, experienced English to French translator / proofreader?

I am a native French and I am fluent in English. I translate regularly for Translators without borders and have worked with various companies in a wide range of fields.

I also translate legal papers, that do not require certification.

I have a Master's Degree in English literature, language and culture and Advocate's Degree in Multimedia.

My translation projects have included (but are not limited to):

• Legal documents (marriage certificate, adoption certificate, birth certificate...)
• Articles for blog and magazine about fashion
• Cosmetics description
• Amazon listing
• Security data sheets
• Localization for apps
• Translation and Keywords for automotive parts on Amazon
• A story book for kids
• A website
• A brochure for a luxury cruises company
…and much more…

I have 10+ years of experience in translating and correcting texts. I am SFT and ATA certified.

My rates are 0.09€/word for Translation. I can translate an average of 3500 words/day.

I will be happy to provide you with further information. Please feel free to contact me.