Audio voice work, audio books, games, voice-overs, general narration

$50.00 / 1時間
画像・映像・音楽 / ナレーション
15 years experience in technical training narration and audio marketing.
Over 200 individual AV training courses delivered in the semiconductor and storage products fields. Voice narration provided for multiple online games.
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time


英語 オランダ語
サイエンス 音楽 エレクトロニクス 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー 旅行・観光
84 時間 / 週
I am a retired Electronics Industry executive who enjoys "word work", training creation and activities that leverage my technical skills and interests. I was introduced to Conyac by a Japanese friend who suggested I try my hand at a "Voice Actor" opportunity she saw posted. I enjoyed the work and have made myself available on the Conyac system since.