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[Translation from English to Hindi ] यद पूर्ण सही, "यह मुख of प्रिय" could have been an दिलचस्प update of the sort...

Original Texts
If done right, "The Face of Love" could have been an interesting update of the sorts of "women's films" that Joan Crawford made in her later career. But Posin is more interested in summoning blatantly earnest emotions that are clearly beyond the reach of such pedestrian material. It all too easy to view Bening's character as a manipulative monster bent on destroying this innocent man for her own selfish purposes instead of someone who should be seeking psychiatric help.
And what a shameful waste of a potentially dynamic movie couple, who really offer the only reason to sit through such a subpar soapy affair.
Translated by worriy
यद पूर्ण सही, "यह मुख of प्रिय" could have been an दिलचस्प update of the sorts of " महिलाओं की मूवी " इह जोआन क्रॉफोर्ड बनाय में उसे बाद में career. But Posin is more interested in शोर मचाते हुए आहूत बयाना भावनाओं यह हैं clearly beyond the reach of such कौन चलना सामग्री. It all too आसान दिगन बेनिंग अक्षर as a प्रचलित रक्षस् bent on नष्ट करने इस मासूम आदमी for उसे अपने स्वार्थी उद्देश्य बजाय of someone who should be पूछ रहे मानसिक रोगों का में मदद.
च किंa शर्मनाक waste of a संभावित गतिशील चलचित्र जोड़े, किसी ने वास्तव में की पेशकश एक ही कारण to sit through such a subpar soapy affair.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Hindi
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
worriy worriy