Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

River Island Leather Biker Jacket With Fur Collar

This leather jacket by River Island has been crafted from smooth leather. The details include: an oversized, faux shearling trim to the lapels, long sleeves with zipped buckle cuffs, asymmetric zip through fastening, a pin buckle belt to the waist and zipped patch pockets to the hips. The leather jacket has been cut with a regular fit.

River Island brings us an eclectic collection of fashion forward styles. Look out for vibrantly printed party dresses, feminine detailing, statement jackets and a covetable range of denim including skinny cut jeans and cute denim shorts, which sits alongside their directional footwear and swimwear range.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your interest.

YES, we have this model in stock and right away available.

Here the total.

1) [MR430W16M] Ferrari 430 Scuderia Spider 16M - WHITE / RED - quantity: 1 price each: 549 EURO total cost: 549,00 EURO

Your total amount is 549,00 Euro + 51 Euro for Premium Airmail Shipping to Japan = 600,00 Euro

And don’t to forget we have still to pay 5,5% paypal charge (35 Euro).

Our offer for you is 570 EURO all included. Please send us the payment to our Paypal account order@scuderiamodelli.com

As soon as the payment has arrived, we will send you within 3 workdays the package away.

If you still have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact us

Thanks and Best Regards

Robert " Team Scuderiamodelli"





1) [MR430W16M]フェラーリ430スクーデリアスパイダー16M -ホワイト/レッド:1台あたり549ユーロ、総額549ユーロ



当社のオファーは全て込みで570ユーロです。ペイパルアカウントorder@scuderiamodelli.com へお支払いください。




gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Thank you for your interest.

YES this model is in Stock and right away available.

From the Ferrari F430 Scuderai Spider 16M we have still in stock in color Modena Yellow – price 499 Euro

And we have a very, very rare Scuderia 16M. This is our celebration model 10 Years Scuderiamodelli

Color ARTEMIS GREEN – Limited ONLY 10 pieces – price - normal base 649,- Euro, - Carbon base number 05/10 – 749,- Euro – Carbon base with original Signature number 10/10 – 899,- Euro

But of course if you want you can have also the model in WHITE with Red interior, NO Problem.

Thanks and wait your answer.






カラー・アルテミスグリーン - 10台限定 - 価格はノーマルベースのものは649ユーロ、カーボンベース番号05/10のものは749ユーロです。オリジナルサイン番号10/10の差^盆ベースのものは899ユーロです。



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

When you say “bold”, do you mean black? Black means that he item is probably available, but we do not know until we manually check. Black means that Smarty does not know the inventory status because the manufacturer has not provided it.

Yes, we can still provide most items for you even if they are not showing in Smarty. So, you should definitely email us a list of part numbers and descriptions of any items that you want us to check on for you. We will gather all of the information for you on them and email you back as quickly as we can.

Rough idea of freight on what? Inbound Oakley shipping to me? Usually within the $10 to $20 range.
Best Regards,





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The ultimate in efficiency, our new Fusion 1600 ARC melds the best of Bushnell binoculars with world-leading laser
rangefinding capabilities. Every detail is magnified with rich contrast and stunning clarity from edge to edge using
premium fully multi-coated optics and BAK4 prisms. At the push of a button, it displays the exact distance to your
target from 10 to 1,600 yards. With built-in Angle Range Compensation, BOW Mode delivers Line-of-sight, degree
of angle, and true horizontal distance and RIFLE Mode provides line-of-sight, degree of angle, and bullet-drop / holdover data.
Note: You
will get both longer and shorter maximum distances depending on the reflective properties of the particular target


最新の効率性を持つ当社の新Fusion 1600 ARCはブッシュネル最高の双眼鏡と世界先端のレーザー距離測定能力を組み合わせたものです。プレミアム完全マルチコートオプティクスとBAK4プリズムを使って細かな部分がリッチなコントラストと驚くべき明瞭さで細部まで拡大できます。ボタンを押すと、10から1,600ヤードまでのターゲットの距離を正確に表示します。ビルトインのアングル距離補正があるので、ボウモードでは視準、角度、水平距離が得られ、ライフルモードでは視準、角度及び着弾/ホールドオーバーデータが得られます。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Rotate the display focus (right eyecup) until the circular reticle appears as sharp as possible to your right eye.
This compensates for any difference between your vision and the correct focus for the laser.
4. Next, continuing to look through the right side only, aim at a distant object (preferably one containing fine
detail such as a tree or sign), and adjust the binocular’s center focusing knob until it appears as sharp as
possible to your right eye. 7
5. Finally, view the same object through only the left side of the binocular, and rotate the diopter adjustment
(left eyecup) until it appears sharp to your left eye (do not touch the center focus knob while doing this).


3. ディスプレイフォーカス(右アイカップ)をあなたの右目で円形レティクルができる限り鮮明に見えるようになるまで回します。これによりあなたが見た視界とレーザー用の正しいフォーカスとの差異が補正されます。
4. 次に、右側のみから覗き続け、遠い対象物(木や標識など細かい模様があるものが望ましい)を狙い、双眼鏡の中心フォーカスノブをあなたの右目で見てできる限り鮮明になるまで調整します。7
5. 最後に、同じ対象物を双眼鏡の左側のみから見て、ジオプター調整(左アイカップ)をあなたの左目で見てできる限り鮮明になるまで回します(これをしている間、中央フォーカスノブには触れないでください)。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Crosshairs surrounding the aiming circle indicate that the laser is being transmitted. Once a range has been acquired,
you can release the power button. The crosshairs surrounding the circle will disappear once the power button has been
released (i.e. the laser is no longer being transmitted).


The Fusion 1600 ARC was especially designed with hunters in mind. The selective targeting modes allow you to
adjust the performance parameters of the unit to suit your specific situation and environment. To move from one
mode to another, press the POWER button once to turn on the unit. While looking through the eyepiece, press the
MODE button and quickly release.




Fusion 1600 ARCは特にハンターを意識して設計されたものです。セレクティブ(選択可能な)ターゲッティングモードを使えば、ユニットの性能パラメーターを自分の個別の状況と環境に合わせて調整することができます。1つのモードから他のモードへ切り替えるには、POWERボタンを押して一ユニットの電源を入れます。アイピースを見ながら、MODEボタンを押してすぐに離します。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

(LCD Indicator - ) This advanced mode allows easy acquisition of small targets and game without
inadvertently getting distances to background targets that have stronger signal strength. When more than one object
has been acquired, distance of the closer object will be displayed and a crosshair will surround the BullsEye™ indicator
informing the user that distance to the closer object is being displayed in the LCD.
Once in this mode, press the POWER button to turn the unit on. Next, align the aiming circle onto the object (i.e.
deer) that you want distance to.Next, press and hold the POWER button and move the laser slowly over the deer
until crosshairs surround the BullsEye indicator.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

If the laser beam recognized more
than one object (i.e. deer and background trees), distance of the closer object (i.e. deer) will be displayed and
crosshairs will surround the BullsEye indicator informing the user that distance to the closer object is being displayed
in the LCD (Figure 1). There may be times when only the laser beam only sees one object in its path. In this case,
the distance will be displayed, but because more than one object was not acquired, crosshairs will not surround the
BullsEye indicator.
TIP: While pressing the POWER button, you can move the device slowly from object to object and intentionally
force the laser to hit multiple objects to ensure that you are only displaying the closest



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Once in this mode, press the POWER button to turn the unit on. Next, align the aiming circle onto the object that
you want distance to. Next, press and hold the POWER button and move the laser slowly over the object until a circle
surrounds the Brush indicator. If the laser beam recognized more than one object (i.e. close-up tree branch and a deer
in the background), distance of the further object (i.e. deer) will be displayed and a circle will surround the brush
indicator informing the user that distance to the farther object is being displayed (Figure 2). There may be times when
only the laser beam only sees one object in its path.
In this case, the distance will be displayed,



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

the circle will not surround the Brush indicator.
TIP: While pressing the POWER button, you can move the device slowly from object to object and intentionally
force the laser to hit multiple objects to ensure that you are only displaying the furthest of the objects recognized by
the laser
Once the device has shut off, the unit will always default back to the last targeting mode used


Vivid Display Technology™ dramatically improves contrast, clarity and light transmission while increasing brightness
of the digital readout, making distance readings legible in low light environments.



メニューセットアップ - ディスプレイの明るさ選択、ボウ、ライフル、レギュラーモード、ユニット測定、照準距離と弾道


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I am sorry for the inconvenience. We also confirmed that the package from XXX with another sight is also prohibited and cannot be shipped.

Please do not to order these items anymore as they are prohibited to ship. We are sorry if we have shipped them before, but as you can see they are prohibited. Thank you for understanding.

Also, any merchant site that sells these type of items should state right at the transaction time if an item is export controlled or not. Unfortunately, these items are. I have attached pictures for your confirmation.

Please let us know what you would like us to do with this merchandise by September 18 or it will be removed from your account and properly discarded.






gloria English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

I do have the Frag FX Shark 360. Note that this product is wireless, but it requires a registered wired controller to work. (Sony has an open system and so Splitfish can plug its wireless sender unit directly into the PS3; Microsoft is a closed system, and so we must use a wired controller connection to hook into the XboX 360.)

I am in the same situation with this product as the Frag FX PS3. I have limited inventory until the next shipment arrives in late October to early November. I can sell you up to 30 units at $85 each, ground shipping to FL included.

Unfortunately the markup
on these is very low and the international fees for cc transactions take up
most of the profit.


はい、私はFrag FX Shark 360を持っています。この商品はワイヤレスですが動作にはワイヤー付きコントローラーが必要になることにご注意ください。(ソニーにはオープンシステムがあり、Splitfish」はワイヤレス送信ユニットから直接PS3につなぐことができます。マイクロソフトはクローズドシステムですので、Xbox 360へのフックへの接続にはワイヤー付きコントローラーを必ず使わなければなりません)

私が持っているこの製品の状況はFrag FX P33と同様です。私の在庫は10月下旬から11月上旬に次回の入荷があるまでまで数が限られています。30台を1つあたり$85(フロリダまでの陸送料込み)で売ることができます。
