Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Always attach Bear and Soundbox using the straps provided. Do not add additional strings or straps,

Older Babies: As Baby gets older and more active, continue to locate the Soundbox so that it always remains

The safety of your baby is very important to everyone at Manufacturer. We have done our
best to provide you with a safe, effective product to make both your and your baby‘s life morr healthy and rested. You must do your pan by regularly inspecting all parts of our product for
defects, deterioration, or potentially harmful situations. If you notice any defect in the produci please discontinue use immediately and contact Manufacturer.

Keep this instruction manuai for future reference.

Where to position:







gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The familiar sounds will provide Baby with the security needed for a healthy, restful sleep.

The Soundbox can be inserted into the Bear’s tummy or back pocket, depending on the style of Bear purchased. The Bear, with Soundbox secured inside, can then be attached to a crib/cot rail away from Baby using the hook and loop located on the pews or the back, depending on the style purchased. It can also be secured using the hook and loop strap connected to the Soundbox. The Soundbox has a volume control that can be adjusted so that the womb sounds are easily heard.

If the Soundbox is attached to the crib/cot, locate it so that it always remains out of reach when Baby begins to push up on hands and knees.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Research shows that “Some babies will attach themselves to a blanket (Silkie) or toy that becomes a ‘lovey’. This is a transitional object that comforts your baby in your absence,” says Pantley. Babies love the softness of Silkie‘s CVC velour and the smoothness of its satin. Such tactile stimulation is important for their early development.

When to start using:
Right away! A newborn baby has just emerged from the womb where he heard intrauterine sounds for 9 months! The transition from the womb to the world is enormous and the Bear can help by providing the soothing, reassuring womb sounds Baby knows and trusts. Remember, babies iike routine, so use the Soundbox every time you put Baby down for a nap.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Now with SiIkie - The Natural Bonding Aid!
Each Bear arrives with a Silkie, which can be used to help reinforce parents‘ bond with their baby. “A baby’s sense of smell is more defined than that of an adult. Research shows that a baby can recognize his own mother by her smell," writes Elizabeth Pantley in THE NO-CRY SLEEP SOLUTION.

Silkie can become a powerful bonding tool between you and your baby. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the Silkie, place Silkie next to your skin for a few hours to absorb your scent. Alternatively, you can also place Silkie between you and your baby when breast or bottlefeeding.

Washing Instructions: Use mild detergent.


さあ、シルキーで - 自然な心のつながりを!



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

They wd like to list some items they wish to clarify as to the key
points before the business start up. However basically they very
positive to the project. I asked them to write it in Japanese and I will
translate it.
They will list up all the items the shop need for in the kitchen in
detail and specifically. Then you go over it to see those items you can
course locally for more reasonable cost. Also, they will give us the
proposed shop lay out.

To start with, they prefer one shop. After confirming the success of
the first shop, they proceed to the second place.

I will follow up with Nagamatsu san for the item 1 and 2 in order to
send it to you before the meeting.

Is there anything missing or question, please let me know.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Coming two days after the last batch of images showing Apple's supposed "iPhone Lite" hit the Web, another set shows the plastic rear casing against a white background, including a new blue color.
The images, which come courtesy of Nowhereelse.fr, are of slightly higher quality than the previous pictures, but reveal nothing in the way of new information.

As seen before, the shell appears to be constructed out of a hard, slightly shiny plastic or polycarbonate, with a metal substructure for fastening internal components and EMI shielding. In this case, the parts are covered in a protective plastic covering, suggesting they are near final production models.


ウェブで検索するとアップルの"iPhine Lite"を示す想像画像がいくつかヒットしたが、その2日後、白い背景で新色の青を含むプラスチック製リヤケーシングの画像が出回っている。Nowhereelse.frから提供されたこの画像は前回の写真よりは少し品質が高いが、新しい情報と言う意味では何も明らかにしていない。
