Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Understanding the increasing desire of Chinese consumers to differentiate themselves, Nike offered a branded Nike medal to followers retweeting product and event information. Sina has even created a dedicated page to introduce medals to users. Why not take advantage of it by incorporating gamification concepts in your Weibo account strategy?

Building a community of influential users will take time, but once these can be identified, don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage and incentivize them. By making them Weibo brand ambassadors or 品牌外交官, it will only strengthen their motivation to promote your brand and in turn, invite others to follow.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Like Lancôme, the most influential brand online in 2011 (source: L2) you can choose to focus on content to differentiate yourself, by creating a personality for your account, being consistent with your posts, and most importantly, providing free access to valuable information by positioning yourself as the expert in your field. Lancome has become the reference point when it comes to beauty and skincare products. Using the advanced Weibo poll feature or tracking topics in search filters hot topics section, and the Board of fame, these will all give you a head start to engage users on what they actually care about.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The Pipeline of Incubation: from Startup Weekend to Startup Labs and then YSeed

To incubate startups from the ideas to fast-growing companies, you should understand what they really need at different stages. Incubation is definitely not a one-time offer: you feed the startups some money, then leave them to do whatever they want to. We need a pipeline for the incubation process.

Startup Weekend, a two-days program to help startup founders set up the team, approve the idea, work out a simple demo and receive feedback from experienced people or VCs is a good starting point. We’ve reported about the Startup Weekend Taiwan.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Then the team should have more time and a small amount of funding to implement and enrich the core ideas, then have a good working product which can clearly showcase the value of the idea. This stage is where the Startup Labs fits. The Startup Labs Taiwan gives every startups 22 days to get their idea out. This so-called acceleration program awards teams 1,000,000 NTD (~US$30,000) in exchange for 8% of company equity (read our coverage on 5 startups in this program). Then for the startups, what would be the problems to solve next: user acquisition, angel or serial A funding, HR, or globalisation strategy etc. They may still need help.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

But it’s interesting to ponder the growth of social in China where a couple of factors that could limit the nation’s platforms:

1. The looming issue of real name registration for social sites like Weibo.
2. The language barrier will likely limit their expansion beyond Chinese borders, and as b4V points out, they could reach a saturation point faster as a result.

Nevertheless, China is said to account for about half of all Asia’s social internet users (over 300 million this year according to eMarketer). And internet companies both in China and abroad will want a part of that market for a long time to come.



1. 最近浮上している、Weibo(微博)などのソーシャルサイトの実名登録の問題。
2. 言語が壁となって中国国外への広がりが制限されてしまう傾向があること、及びBV4が指摘するように、その結果すぐに飽和点に達する可能性があること。
