Eiko (gloria) Translations

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gloria Japanese → English
Original Text



This parts set is for exchanging the bolt for the engine oil flowing from the oil pump toward the cylinder head to amplify the discharging amount of the engine oil. This set further promotes faster lubrication than the pure engine oil bolt to improve the abrasion resistance of the locker arm and the cam shaft so that the scoring and/or scraping can be avoided. As for the rising rate of the oil temperature caused by the heat produce by the engine, both in touring and racing, oil temperature is harder to drop in short distance running than in non-stop running. The temperature inside the engine is higher than we imagine, and it affect negatively to the contacting surface of the locker arm and the cam shaft, accordingly the abrasion of metal also tends to be faster.

gloria Japanese → English
Original Text







This device feeds the hybrid circuit boards (mounted with IC, condensor, etc.) one by one, which is housed in the magazine case, to the measuring point, and then conducts the inspection of electirical properties at a designated temperature, and further sorts the measured circuit boards to defective and non-defective ones, and finally place them into respective magazine cases.

A function can be added as an option, with which emptied magazines can be forwarded to the housing side.

There are two chips which can be mouted simultaneously, for feeding either by dicering and by the chip tray.

Feeding and housing of the circuit boards are done by each magazine basis.

This also has the function of inspection after the module is mounted, so it is possible to control the quality after bonding .