Z. Lightworker (ziggy)

5.0 1 reviews
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About 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English

Hi. I am a former ESL and Japanese language teacher and have been working as a freelance translator since 2012. I have always been fascinated with languages. The job of a translator is really rewarding and intellectually exciting, and I appreciate every opportunity of working on my translation projects.

翻訳に興味を持ったのは大学で翻訳の授業をとってからです。在学中に1年間アメリカ留学しました。日本の大学を卒業後、1年半英会話の講師を務め1990年に再渡米。それ以来29年間アメリカに在住しています。日本語教授法で修士を取り90年代はアメリカの大学で日本語を教えていました。その後コンピュータに興味を持ちInstructional Design & Technologyで二つ目の修士を取りました。

My fields of expertise are in IT (Information Technology) and Computers in general. I am also interested in Graphic Design and Media/Multimedia. I am a proficient Adobe InDesign and Photoshop user.



Language Pair Area of Specialty Experience Description Example Translations
English → Japanese Website 3 years General, News Articles, Blogs, Entertainment, and Sports
Japanese → English Website 3 years General, News Articles, Blogs, Entertainment, and Sports

Work History

(Completed / In Progress)
Standard Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Light Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Standard Japanese ≫ English 5 8  / 467 246  / 13295
Standard English ≫ Japanese 2 36  / 556618 18  / 8805

Working Data

Working Hours
last 6 months (hour / month)
Submission Rate
(submission count / order count)
0 hour / month 100 % (13 / 13)