zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

WeChat from China’s Tencent.

Released: January 2011
Users: 300 million

WeChat allows users to access add-ons, like Battery Doctor and Find Nearby, which users can install (or disable) just like browser extensions. Plus, WeChat has live video and voice calling, in addition to the option of sending shorter voice or video clips. This is perhaps the most multimedia of all messaging apps.

It also offers a web interface so you can send messages via any web browser – it’s activated with a neat QR code. In its newest update last week, WeChat added song recognitionc (like SoundHound) and voice chatrooms.




WeChatでは、「Battery Doctor」や「Find Nearby」など、 ブラウザの拡張と同じように、インストール(もしくは無効に)することができるアドオン機能にアクセスすることができる。さらに、同サービスでは短い音声もしくは動画クリップを送ることのできるオプションに加えて、ビデオや音声通話もできる。WeChatはおそらく、すべてのメッセージアプリのなかで最もマルチメディアなサービスだろう。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Zalo from Vietnam.

Released: August 2012
Users: 500,000+

Zalo is Vietnam’s homegrown challenger. It’s made by sVNG (formerly Vina Gaming) and has been accumulating users at breakneck speeds. It’s already at the top of the Vietnamese iOS App Store. Zalo allows users to send drawings natively in the app, and allows users to play a Vietnamese version of Draw Something. It’s also got animated stickers with sound like KakaoTalk, featured mainly for Lunar New Year.

Zalo, like WeChat, allows users to find new friends within a five kilometer radius. But, hungry for more users, it also lets users to go into topic-specific group chats to find friends. Built on the still burgeoning forum culture in Vietnam.




Zaloはベトナムで開発されたチャレンジャーアプリだ。同アプリはsVNG(元Vina Gaming)によって開発され、猛烈なスピードでユーザーを集めている。すでに、ベトナムのiOS App Storeでトップの座についている。Zaloでは、アプリ内にある絵を送信することができ、ベトナム版Draw Somethingで遊ぶことができる。また、主に旧正月向けの機能として、Kakao Talkが提供しているようなサウンド付きの動画スタンプも導入した。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Lovebyte from Singapore

Released: July 2012
Users: 40,000+ (but apparently enough to crash its servers)

Like Between, Lovebyte also allows users to create albums, notes, save dates, and even add milestones like the first date. Plus, it can store details like a couple’s favorite movie, and even displays how many days you and your loved one have been together. A cool feature that the app has on the side is allowing users to send each other scratchcards. It’s basically a two-sided flashcard that you send to your loved one. You put text on both sides, and your loved one scratches the other side to see a love note that you put on the other side.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, all messaging apps have a set of features that mark them as messaging apps, so we’ll just note them in a quick list and move on:

・Instant messaging with ‘sending’ and ‘received’ notifications
・Group chat
・Sending a photo or video (WeChat and Zalo are the only ones that offer Instagram-like photo filters)
・Changing your chat area’s wallpaper
・Leaving an audio note or message
・Sharing contact info
・Sharing your location
・Live video or voice calling
・A microblogging feature like Path.

Now, I’ll go through the ten most prominent chat apps in Asia, and show you what each one has that makes them stand out from the others.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

KakaoTalk from South Korea.

Released: March 2010
Users: 75 million

Kakaotalk allows users to create and schedule an event with friends in the chat window. A feature that surprisingly no one else has. KakaoTalk is open source, thus allowing users to create their own themes. It also allows users to download a separate game app and play with Kakaotalk friends. KakaoTalk has also added localized stickers for Lunar New Year, and even pushed K-pop star stickers into the spotlight. It also has animated stickers and even ones with sound. And the most cool feature of all? The app allows users to buy vouchers for friends that can be redeemed at cooperating merchants.


韓国発「Kakao Talk」


Kakao Talkでは、チャットウィンドウで友達とイベントを作成してスケジュールを組むことができる。驚くことに、この機能を提供しているのはKakao Talkだけだ。同アプリはオープンソースなので、ユーザーが独自のテーマを作ることができる。さらに、単独のゲームをダウンロードしてKakao Talkの友達と一緒にプレイすることもできる。また、ローカライズのサービスで旧正月向けのスタンプも加え、K-POPスターのスタンプにも注目を浴びせた。1番クールな機能は、ユーザーが友達に、提携販売店で特典がもらえるクーポン券を購入できることだ。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Line from the Japanese team under South Korean company, NHN.

Released: June 2011
Users: 100 million

Line allows users to send cards, drawings, pictures, and play games. Games have been a huge factor in drawing users to the chat platform. Unfortunately, these features can only be accessed after users download separate apps. It makes much more sense to me to get them natively in the app. But this hasn’t stopped the chat app from accumulating a massive base of users. The design is really nice and it sells $2 sticker packs. Line also pushes celebrities’, companies’, and even lotteries’ info to users’ chat screens.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Its makers, NHN Japan, plan to focus even more on Line in 2013, and will even spin it off into a separate company.

Nimbuzz from India via the Netherlands

Released: November 2008
Users: 100 million

Although the app is originally a Dutch company, it moved its headquarters to India in mid-2011. The app is relatively simple like Chikka and GREE Messenger but offers integration with online chat applications like Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Facebook, and Windows Live Messenger. It also has a feature where users can make international calls. Some might say this is more like an older style instant messenger (IM) app.


同アプリの開発者NHN Japanは、2013年にはLineにもっと注力する予定で、同サービスを別会社として分離新設することも目指している。



Nimbuzzはもともとオランダ企業が開発したものだが、同社は2011年中頃に本社をインドに移転させている。同アプリは、ChikkaやGREE Mesengerのように比較的シンプルなものだが、Yahoo messenger、Google Talk、Facebook、Windows Live Messangerなどのオンラインチャットアプリケーションとリンクしている。また、国際電話をかけれる機能もある。どちらかと言えば、同サービスが旧式のインスタントメッセージ(IM)アプリだという人もいるかもしれない。