zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

What about daily deals sites in the country? Groupon’s Disdus and LivingSocial (2) are staying on their feet with local rankings of 195 and 324 respectively. A few sites like AdaDiskon still have a grip on the market too, ranking 1,259 in Indonesia.

Unless you have money to burn, an outright daily deals clone sites might not be the best answer. A few Indonesian startups have the guts to be different, putting a few twists on their daily deals business models. They include Uluyu (which has fallen behind the peck), Stilomo, and Yotomo. It remains to be seen if their innovation can bring the excitement back to daily deals businesses.



お金がなければ、日替わりクーポン事業をいきなり始めるのは良くないだろう。だが、他との差別化を図ろうとするガッツのあるインドネシアスタートアップもいくつかあって、それぞれのビジネスモデルに工夫を凝らしている。 Uluyu(先頭グループから遅れをとっている)、Stilomo、Yotomoなどがその例だ。彼らのイノベーションによって、日替わりクーポンサービス業界に活気が戻ってくるだろうか?

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Indonesian online shopping infrastructure is shaping up for the better as we’ve seen local startups like Eloku and Kirim, which are aiming to solve delivery problems. A handful of promising payment gateway startups like iPayMu, Veritrans, and Indomog have emerged as well. 2013 might well be a good year to start your own e-commerce business.

1. Disclosure: Tokopedia, RumahSegar, and Bilna are part of East Ventures portfolio companies, and East Ventures is also an investor in Tech in Asia. Read our ethics page for more information.

2. Updated on February 12th: We wrongly pointed out that LivingSocial’s site ranking has dropped down significantly. LivingSocial still remains a powerful daily deals site in Indonesia.



1.情報開示:Tokopedia、RumahSegar、BilnaはEast Venturesが支援しているスタートアップで、East VenturesはTech in Asiaにも出資をしている。さらなる詳細は当社の倫理指針のページで。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

But it’s passion that really lead to success. When showing off his tiny Tokyo office packed with the only 15 employees in the company, Tokushige says:

We do not pay for a large office, instead we spend money on bike development.

Hayashi says he used to sleep on the floor in that same office, and the team worked really hard on sales. Well, it’s paid off. By 2011, Terra Motors was already the market leader in the e-bike market in Japan and by 2012, it held 40 percent of the market. Those 15 employees? They’re in a company that manufactures 1,000 e-bikes per month.

By mid-2012, Tokushige sent two of his staff into the Philippines and Vietnam.






zhizi English → Japanese
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Thus, Terra Motors’ first strategy is to enter the luxury motorbike market, avoiding the cheaper market.

We entered Vietnam because Vietnamese people are motorbike crazy. China is too risky, Indonesia is too big, and Thailand is migrating to cars. Vietnamese people also pay a lot for their scooters and motorbikes. In Italy, home of the Vespa, our Italian colleagues were shocked to hear that Vietnamese people pay $3,000 to $5,000 for a motorbike. Here, nice motorbikes are a status symbol. So when we enter the market, we will enter with expensive luxury e-motorbikes around the $5,000 price point focusing on the rich and celebrities. We need to change the perception of the consumer around e-motorbikes.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Terra Motors’ next, cheaper model, will be around $1,500 to $3,000 and will be able to run 40 kilometers without a charge. Both of these models are geared towards city people who don’t have to go on roadtrips. When I asked, what if I want to take a longer trip? Hayashi replied:

Well, we’re always working on improving battery technology. Also, we’re looking at building hybrid motorbikes that can go over 100 kilometers, and cost about $1,500 to $2,000. This way, you can drive in the city on battery and drive to the countryside on gas. No company currently has hybrid motorbikes.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Poin Web Offers Japan’s Point Reward System to Indonesian Users

Another Japanese company is eyeing a few slices of the Indonesian market, this time in the form of online points provider Poin Web. The site now offers users in Indonesia free points, redeemable for prizes from the site’s list of merchants, by undergoing certain online activities.

This is similar to the business model of another Japanese reward website, Excite Point. And while this model is still quite new to Indonesia, the ambitious Poin Web team is aiming to gather one million users and 300 merchant partners by the end of this year.


Poin Webが日本のポイント交換システムをインドネシアのユーザーに提供

また新たに別の日本企業がインドネシアの市場獲得に目を向けている。今回は、オンラインでポイント交換サービスを提供するPin Webだ。同サイトがインドネシアのユーザに提供しているのは、特定のオンラインアクティビティをすれば無料でポイントが貯まり、同サイトに記載されている特典と交換ができるというサービスだ。

これは、別の日本のポイント交換サイトExcite Pointのビジネスモデルに似ている。そして、このようなビジネスモデルがインドネシアではまだ比較的新しいことから、大きな期待を寄せるPoin Webチームは今年の年末までにユーザー100万人と提携小売店300軒を集めようとしている。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, of course, so the real reason behind this is advertising. Looking over the Poin Web site, there are currently 17 activities from which users can earn points. Those include looking for a hidden cute ninja inside the website, filling questionnaires, playing simple games, clicking merchants’ websites, and promoting merchants’ Facebook or Twitter pages. Some of the activities also act as ‘lucky draw’ contests which promise vouchers to some lucky clickers. Users will earn points from doing those activities, which mostly can be done without spending a dime.


もちろん、ただ飯なんてものはない。このサービスの本当の行動原理は広告だ。Poin Webのサイトを見ると、現在ユーザーがポイントを獲得できるアクティビティが17種類ある。そのなかには、同サイト内に隠れている可愛らしい忍者を探すことや、アンケート調査への参加、簡単なゲームで遊ぶこと、小売店のサイトをクリックすること、そして、小売店のFacebookページもしくはTwitterページを宣伝することなどがある。それらのアクティビティのなかには、クーポン券が当たるというような「くじ引き」を行っているものもある。ユーザーはこれらのアクティビティ ——ほとんどが無料—— を行ってポイントを獲得する。