zhizi Translations

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About 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

I’ve found a couple of ways to lessen the pain:

First, get to a simple term sheet with the key points agreed up front, that can be signed off and act as the letter of intent. This should be no more than a few pages written in plain English. Once you have this in place, you can commit and focus on the project, and in parallel, take your time with the legals.

Get experienced mentors to help review the deal and legals. In my case with Frenzoo, I’m lucky to have a few angel investors who have plenty of experience in contracts, and act as sounding boards and sanity checks. It also helps to have a lawyer or two on your investor or advisor team. Pro tip: that’s a huge advantage for an early-stage startup.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

8 Startup Lessons on Working with Big Brands

Simon is currently CEO at Frenzoo. He was previously APAC head of emerging technology at Juniper Networks. He is an angel investor in startups, and a writer on startups and gaming. Follow his blog or on Twitter.

“If you’re doing a startup, there’s an allure to big brand partnerships.”

You might think: close a deal in a couple months and then prestige, validation, press, growth, new opportunities, and lots more all await. “If I get this deal we’ll be up in bright lights.” Except it doesn’t usually work that way.



Simon Newstead氏は現在、FrenzooのCEOで、以前はJuniper Networks社の新興テクノロジー部門アジア太平洋地区の責任者だった。同氏は、スタートアップのエンジェル投資家で、スタートアップとゲームに関する記事も執筆している。Newstead氏をフォローしたい人は、同氏のブログもしくはTwitterで。



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The reality is that it’s so hard getting a foot in the door, then signing a contract is grindingly tough. Next, getting a successful partnership that delivers real mutual value is the real challenge, and then you have to do all this without getting sidetracked and accidentally burning your precious funds.

Successes and failures

My startup has worked with a few large brands in the past year. One failed, draining precious cycles. A couple turned out much better, including a successful collaboration with media giant Condé Nast on the new game Teen Vogue Me Girl, launched after months of hard work.

Here are 8 of the startup lessons we learned:




昨年、私のスタートアップはいくつかの大手ブランドと協業した。失敗したケースは1つで、貴重なサイクルを無駄にしてしまった。いくつかのケースはそれよりもよい結果となった。その中には、大手メディアのCondé Nastと提携して新しいゲームタイトル「Teen Vogue Me Girl」に取り組んで成功した例もある。このゲームタイトルは数か月に及ぶ懸命な取組みを経てローンチされた。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

We all remember glitzy press launches for projects that end up failing a year later. And those that rose to success without PR. Our new game got only a handful of media mentions but has still grown well despite that.

Whilst press can help for other reasons, such as fundraising, a partnership is a pretty risky and resource-grabbing way to try and achieve those goals.

Press is icing on the cake, rather than the cake itself.

Think about press as a great bonus – if you don’t get it, no worries, a solid project will still thrive without it.






zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

In our case, we found an innovation products group who had a track record of projects and getting buy in from the different Conde Nast brands, and brands willing to embrace a new project – which got it all started.

Lesson #4 – Define your scope up front

Whilst in lean startup land we work iteratively and adapt, doing this with a brand that changes scope every week is a recipe for chaos. Small innocent requests – “Oh, can we add a module to let the customer redeem coupons through the website as well as the app?” – can snowball quickly.


私達の場合、プロジェクト実績を多く持つイノベーションプロダクトのグループを見つけることができた。そのグループは様々なConde Nastブランドや、新しいプロジェクトを支援したいというブランドから賛同を得ていた。それが、すべての始まりだった。

