zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
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2. Mastery of a range of skills

Working in a startup involves a whole different set of skills from most corporate jobs. In fact, I would go so far as to say that process-driven workflow is something that most of us hate. Think about it – did you ever enjoy copying lines when you were young?

Truth be told, there is still a significant amount of process work involved in a startup job; websites need to be coded and proposals need to be written. However, the difference is that the process work doesn’t frame your job. Rather, it is the mastery of a range of skills; skills that you may already have and new skills that can be developed.



スタートアップの仕事には、企業で行われるほとんどの仕事とは全く異なるスキルを要する。事実、極端ではあるが、私達のほとんどが企業のプロセス志向型のワークフローを嫌っていると言ってもいいだろう。考えてみて欲しい —— 若い頃、コピーの列に並ぶのを楽しんだことがあるだろうか?


zhizi English → Japanese
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The Biggest Problem Facing Southeast Asian Startups is Not the Bad Startup Ecosystem

There have been a couple of articles about issues in the Southeast Asia startup ecosystem recently, and I feel the need to join in the party. What I have read so far are the same old points which we have all heard before: People in Southeast Asia don’t take risks, they’re scared of failure, there are not enough Series A investors etc., etc.

To me, I think it all comes down to one big problem: we are just not good enough entrepreneurs. (I will be the first to raise my hand and admit that I can be a better one.)





zhizi English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
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It’s simple, really. Good entrepreneurs build good teams who build good products who attract users who are willing to pay for those products. You want Series A money? There are investors in Asia who will give it to you, but first, prove that you can build a f-ing awesome product. Prove that you can gain traction. Prove that it’s a scalable and profitable business model. (Alternatively, sell a f-ing good dream that investors might buy). If you can’t do that, then no one can help you. Even if there were millions of Series A investors, no one would invest in your shitty startup.



zhizi English → Japanese
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So where can you find these Series A folks with cash in their pockets ready to invest? That’s your problem as an entrepreneur (this is why entrepreneurs need to be strong and resourceful). It’s not hard to find startups who raised Series A or beyond. Some, like MyRepublic, even scraped from 40 investors to raise $10 million. Is this doable? Yes, but only if you have an awesome team and product.

As entrepreneurs, we shouldn’t be looking at the ecosystem, shaking our heads, and saying, “Oh man, this is a fucking mess, ain’t a good place to build a company. Let’s sit at one corner and sulk.” Leave that problem to the bloggers who write about the big picture.




zhizi English → Japanese
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And I admit that the startup ecosystem here does kind of suck; it’s certainly not as rosy as what we read on TechCrunch. But Southeast Asia isn’t short on good entrepreneurs. If you’re an entrepreneur reading this, would you choose to blame the ecosystem or go out there to build a f-ing good product for your target users? I believe we should choose the latter.

Being a good entrepreneur takes time and failures. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, a lifelong journey. The more you do, the better you get. Southeast Asia needs good entrepreneurs and you could be one of them. If you are, you will be facing multiple failures. Get used to it.




zhizi English → Japanese
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DocDoc to launch content marketing platform in partnership with Chatter Buzz Media

Going beyond doctor scheduling and appointments, DocDoc is now getting into the content distribution business, partnering with Chatter Buzz Media to push health-related content to a global audience.

Singapore-based startup DocDoc is going beyond its forte of offering web- and mobile-enabled discovery and appointment scheduling for doctors. DocDoc has partnered with U.S.-based marketing firm Chatter Buzz Media for the distribution of multimedia material to a global audience through DocDoc’s new Content Marketing Network.


DocDocがChatter Buzz Mediaと提携し、コンテンツマーケティングプラットフォームをローンチへ

医師との予約サービスという枠組みを越え、DocDocは今や、Chatter Buzz Mediaと提携して健康医療に関するコンテンツをグローバルユーザーに提供するというコンテンツ配信事業に乗り出そうとしている。

シンガポールを拠点におくスタートアップDocDocが、ウェブ/モバイル上で展開する医師の発見と予約システムという中核事業を超えてサービスを拡大しようとしている。同サービスは、米マーケティング企業Chatter Buzz Mediaと提携し、新たに展開するContent Marketing Networkを通じて、マルチメディアのコンテンツをグローバルユーザーに配信していく。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The new feature will roll out in the second quarter of 2013, and will feature both a “pull” and a “push” mechanism. As such, medical professionals can benefit from the network as both a knowledge base and as a platform for engaging both a local and global audience.

DocDoc’s Content Marketing Network will offer a rich library of marketing resources for dentists and doctors, which includes whitepapers, how-to guides, sponsorship opportunities, events performance analytics and connections to vendor-partners. The network also offers connections with service providers, such as those that offer writing, photography and video production services.



DocDocのContent Marketing Networkは、歯科医と医師のために豊富なマーケティング情報を提供していく。その中には、白書やハウツーガイド、スポンサーの機会の模索、イベント業績の分析や、ベンダーとパートナーを結びつけることなどが含まれる。同ネットワークは、執筆、写真撮影、ビデオ制作などのサービスプロバイダーを紹介するサービスも提供する。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

DocDoc chairman and co-founder Cole Sirucek lauded Chatter Buzz Media’s previous track record with medical professionals, and said they chose the media firm because t was “committed to strengthening DocDoc’s medical portal by helping us ramp up production of quality healthcare content; and more than any other firm we reviewed, Chatter Buzz was aligned with our vision.”

Chatter Buzz Media co-founder Ashley Cisneros-Mejia, meanwhile, said DocDoc was a logical partner because of its “strong Pan-Asian market presence, their vast network of leading medical specialists, and the quality of their management team, investors and advisors.”


DocDocの会長で共同設立者のCole Sirucek氏は、Chatter Buzz Mediaが以前行った医療専門家向けサービスの実績を讃え、同メディア企業を選んだ理由は「私達が質のよいヘルスケアコンテンツの制作を増やすのを支援して当社の医療ポータルを強化することに、私達が見てきたメディア企業のなか一番コミットしていたのがChatter Buzz Media社で、同社は私達のビジョンにも一致しているからです」と語った。

一方、Chatter Buzz Mediaの共同設立者Ashley Cisneros-Mejia女史は、DocDocが必然のパートナーだという理由について、「DocDocはアジア太平洋地域に存在感を確立しており、同社の持つ著名な医療専門家のネットワークは大きく、管理チーム、投資家、アドバイザーの質も良いからです」と述べた。

zhizi English → Japanese
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Clearbridge BioMedics raises USD7.2M Series B from Vertex Venture, others

Clearbridge BioMedics, Singapore-based medical tech company, has today announced a new series B venture round of SGD 9M (USD 7.2M). Vertex Venture Holdings, a wholly owned venture capital arm of Temasek Holdings, is the lead investor.

The startup’s flagship product is the ClearCell System, which consists of patent-pending CTChips that are able to detect, isolate, and retrieve tumor cells from blood samples obtained from patients. The isolated tumor cells can then be stained for identification and analysis.


Clearbridge BioMedics、シリーズBラウンドでVertex Ventures他から720万米ドルを獲得

シンガポールに拠点をおく医療関連のテック企業Clearbridge BioMedicsは、シリーズBの資金調達ラウンドで900万シンガポールドル(720万米ドル)を獲得したことを本日発表した。Vertex Venture Holdings(Temasek Holdingsのベンチャーキャピタル部門が全額出資する子会社)が同ラウンドのリード投資家を務めた。

同スタートアップの旗艦プロダクトはClearCell Systemで、このシステムは患者から採取した血液サンプルから腫瘍細胞を検出・隔離・採取することのできるCTチップ(CTChip:特許申請中)で構成されている。隔離された腫瘍細胞は識別・分析のために染色することができる。

zhizi English → Japanese
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Design-centric e-commerce site Jooix gets USD 500k from Beacon New Ventures

Curated e-commerce sites have been coming up on our radar lately, offering products that are ‘design-centric’ and ‘tasteful’. In other words, these businesses are differentiating themselves not by price or quantity of choice, but by the quality of their collection.

In Singapore, there’s CuriousCatch and HipVan, both of which are emphasizing the cool factor by selling goods from independent designers. Beauty box startups like VanityTrove and Bellabox too are selling curated products to their customers.


デザイン志向のeコマースサイトJooixがBeacon New Venturesから50万米ドルを獲得


シンガポールには、CuriousCatchとHipVanがあり、両サービスともに独立系デザイナーの作るプロダクトを販売して「クール」な要素を強調している。また、VanityTrove とBellaboxなどの美容品定期購入サービスを展開するスタートアップも、自社が選りすぐったプロダクトをそれぞれの顧客に販売している。