zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Crowdbaron is aiming its platform at users across Asia, with an initial focus on customers based in Hong Kong, China, and Indonesia. Founder and CEO Saeed Hassan explains to us that the startup is “targeting a less wealthy target group” than would normally take a 100 percent stake in properties – a phenomenon seen recently with wealthy Chinese snapping up properties (and potential escape routes) in Australia, the UK, the US, and many other nations. Instead, Saeed says the site is good for “middle income families who are saving for the future, and who have been burned by the stock market and are frustrated by low interest rates”. He adds:


Crowdbaronはアジア圏全体のユーザーをターゲットにしているが、最初は香港、中国、インドネシアの顧客に注力している。同サービスは不動産に対し通常100%の出資をするようなグループ層 ——最近、オーストラリア、イギリス、アメリカ、その他の国で不動産(そして、おそらく移民するためのルート)を買いあさっている裕福な中国人—— ではなく、富裕層ほど裕福ではないグループをターゲットにしていると設立者でCEOのSaeed Hassan氏は説明する。それどころか、Hassan氏は、同サイトは「将来に備えて貯蓄をしていたり、株式市場が焦げ付き低金利に不満を抱いている中級層の家族」にいいと言う。同氏は次のように付け加えている。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Crowdbaron is split between a team of four in Hong Kong, and a further four in Jakarta, Indonesia. More sales staffers are being added this month, and a Madrid office is being prepared. While its investors are mostly in this region, it’s open to global investors aside from, for tax reasons, the UK and the US. Crowdbaron’s properties are currently spread across London and Jakarta, with more in Madrid and perhaps some US cities being added soon.

Real estate crowdfunding could turn out to be one of 2013’s hottest startup – and investment – trends. I notice that US-based RealtyMogul also looks promising, and recently won a bunch of awards and plaudits.



不動産のクラウドファンディングは2013年で最もホットなスタートアップ —そして投資の—トレンドの1つになるかもしれない。アメリカに拠点をおくRealtyMogulも前途有望のようで、最近ではたくさんの賞と称讃を獲得している。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

In the latest edition of the Regus Work-Life Balance Index, 41 percent of respondents globally said their companies were doing more to help employees reduce commuting than two years earlier.[3] In Singapore, the percentage stood slightly lower at 39 percent. While in China and India it was well above 50 percent. Working remotely can save the average employee 79 hours of commuting each year.[4] It also cuts their travel costs and car emissions.

It’s probable that flexible working and measures to cut commuting are some of the reasons why 61 percent of people in the Regus Work-Life Balance Index said their work-life balance was better than two years ago.


Regus社が発表した最新の仕事と私生活のバランス指標(Work-Life Balance Index)によると、回答者(グローバル)の41%が所属する企業は社員の通勤時間を削減する取組みを2年前よりも増やしていると答えている[3]。シンガポールにおいてはその数字は若干低く39%で、中国とインドでは50%を大きく上回っていた。社外勤務によって、社員の通勤時間は年間平均で79時間削減することができる[4]。また、交通費、車の排気ガスの排出量も削減できる。
