yyokoba Translations

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Over 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

The second method is through its marketing, which has led to Xiaomi being called the “Apple of China”. The company has leveraged viral word-of-mouth marketing like few companies have. After all, the company does not make flashy Superbowl ads or rents massive billboard space. Instead, its goal is to create fans of the brand by being exclusive. Which is why in many parts of the world, you can only buy Xiaomi phones on its online stores and often, most models are sold out with a long wait list for incoming models. Xiaomi fans, known as MiFans, are similar to Apple’s famously evangelical fans, in that they treat the brand almost as a lifestyle choice.



yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Another big part of the event was the giveaways including phones, routers, smart TV boxes and, best of all, two Xiaomi TVs which are not available outside of China. Each giveaway was received with rambunctious applause by the sea of orange shirts that filled the hall.

We then asked Barra what would happen at the next MiPop with this one doing so well, “We’re not going to grow (the event) too big; we are a small company. We like to keep it like a big family event.” To end it off, Barra said to Singaporean fans, “We love you very very much and are so excited to be here.”




yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

New data from China shows Xiaomi and domestic smartphone brands squeezing out foreign phone makers

If anyone knows what’s going on in tech in China it’s Baidu, the country’s top search engine. Baidu’s new mobile report shows shifting trends among China’s smartphone users who visit some of the company’s numerous sites.

The most illuminating shift is how quickly domestic Chinese smartphones brands are squeezing out foreign phone makers. In the six-month period from the end of 2013 to Q2 2014, Baidu’s data shows that Chinese brands – led by Xiaomi – grew six percent in terms of their share of observed Android users in the country [1].





yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

For the time being, Facebook and Tencent more-or-less peacefully coexist and haven’t posed any major threats to each others’ market share. Tencent sits cozy, protected by China’s Great Firewall, while Facebook sweeps up most of the rest of the world. That could soon change, though, as WeChat’s growth in China slows due to market saturation. Expect Tencent’s expansion beyond China’s borders to get more aggressive in the future.

Other honorable mentions from China on the list include Baidu Tieba, a social forum from China’s biggest search engine, and Weibo, the closest thing China has to Twitter. They have 200 million and 157 million monthly active users, respectively.


現在のところFacebookとTencentは大体において平和的に共存していて、お互いの市場シェアに多大な脅威を示していない。Tencentは中国のGreat Firewallに守られてその座に居心地よく収まり、Facebookはそれ以外の世界市場のほとんどをかっさらっている。しかしWeChatの中国国内での成長が飽和により鈍化するにつれ、この状況は近い将来変化する可能性がある。Tencentの中国国外への拡大がより活発になることが予想される。

その他中国国内の特筆すべきプレーヤーとして、それぞれ2億および1億5700万の月間アクティブユーザ数を有する、中国最大の検索エンジンのソーシャルプラットホームBaidu Tiebaと中国で最もTwitterに近いWeiboがある。