As a result, the teams at retail had to evolve too. While Ahrendts has been leading a mass redesign of the stores to what are now referred to as “town squares”, in a bid to drive a sense of community, she has also been rethinking who services those spaces.The renowned Apple Geniuses continue to exist, but so too do new “creative pros” as a result. These are to the liberal arts what the genius is to technology, she explained. Today there are 3,500 of them worldwide, who all teach everything from photography to art, music and design skills in store.
結果として、小売部門のチームにも進化が必要でした。Ahrendts氏は、コミュニティの感覚を導入すべく、今日"town square"と呼ばれるアップルストアの大掛かりな再設計を指揮すると同時に、その空間を誰が担当すべきか再考していました。名高いApple社の修理担当者たちは引き続きいますが、結果として、新たにクリエイティブ専門家も出現しました。修理担当者が技術に対応する者であるのに対し、クリエイティブ専門家はリベラルアーツに対応する者です、と彼女は説明しました。今日、クリエイティブ専門家は世界中に3,500人以上おり、アップルストアにて写真から芸術、はたまた音楽、デザイン技術まで教えています。
“These people are our secret sauce,” Ahrendts explained. “This is something Apple has, and Amazon or Alibaba doesn’t: people on the front line.” What’s key is that they are hired for their empathy, rather than their ability to sell. In fact, no one who works at Apple is on any quotas or commission, which is also something that goes back to Steve Jobs’ original vision.“He told all of the original employees when he opened the first Apple stores, that they weren’t allowed to sell, that their job was to enrich lives and they had to do so through the lens of education,” Ahrendts outlined.