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yumiko K (yumiko1112) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yumiko1112 English → Japanese
Original Text


Sixty Seconds to Success was intended to give you quick, action-oriented steps to take, which will move your life ahead even faster. I hope you will use this book on a regular basis and implement at least one of the tips each day. One thing is clear: nothing will happen without action on your part. Sixty Seconds to Success has given you the tools, now it is up to you to use them. If you do, I know your whole life will be a Bright Moment.

I would like to leave you with a quote from the unknown author who wrote my favorite bumper sticker:

"Life is a gift, that's why they call it the present."



Sixty Seconds to Success(成功までの60秒)は実際に行動を始められるステップを提供し、あなたの人生がより早く前進できるように書かれました。あなたがこの本をいつも側に携え、少なくとも一日一つは実行できるように願っています。一つ確かなことは、自分が行動を起こさない限り何も始まらないということです。Sixty Seconds to Successはあなたに道具を提供しているのです。それを使うかどうかはあなた次第です。行動すれば、きっとあなたの人生の全てのシーンが「見どころ」になることでしょう。



yumiko1112 English → Japanese
Original Text

You are a salesperson, whether you know it or not. You are always selling your ideas to others, even if they are not "customers" in the classic sense. So if you want to improve your rate of "sales," or be more convincing to others, change your attitude to viewing yourself as helping others, instead of selling others.

You have great ideas, products, etc., so you are in fact help-ing other people if they use them. If you had the latest invention in the fight to cure a disease, you wouldn't be bashful about asking people to use it would you? Think of yourself the same way with whatever idea or product you are trying to get across and you will become "Salesperson of the Year."




yumiko1112 English → Japanese
Original Text

It is not the circumstances; it is you. Everything bad that happens to us can be blamed on the circumstances. If you want something good to happen to you, take something bad that happened to you, and blame yourself. Once you take responsibility for a problem, even if it wasn't your fault, things will start to go better for you. You will look at what you can learn from a problem, and you will feel more in control. No excuses, no matter what happens. Don't make excuses to anyone, especially yourself. Take full responsibility for what went wrong, whether it was your fault or not. This will lead people to respect you more, and your self-respect will increase as well.



yumiko1112 English → Japanese
Original Text

If you want to increase your sense of control, you need to give yourself more areas in your life where you make choices. Every day you make choices about your behavior, your attitude and your decisions. These choices come from either your habits or your thinking. These both come from within you and they are the only things in life you can control.

We all tend to think we are in control until things go wrong, and then we lose our sense of control. The way to get it back is to return to our options for choices and see where we can expand them. Adding options for choices adds to our being in control.




yumiko1112 English → Japanese
Original Text

You must reinvent yourself every several years. Given the current rate of change in the world, very little of what we know or do will be relevant five years from now. If we are going to continue to offer value to the world and to our-selves, we must make changes to insure we are in sync with what the world wants and needs.

Companies are constantly offering "new and improved" versions of their products, and we must do likewise. Those of us on the top now must change to remain on top, and those wanting to move up can use this need to change as a new opportunity to grow and gain.




yumiko1112 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Are you stuck in your comfort zone? Most of us get stuck in our comfort zone, and while we realize that in order to make progress we need to be uncomfortable, such as experiencing rejections, setbacks, etc., we are not able to break out of it. Here are four things you can do right now to get out of your comfort zone: (1) Recognize that you are in a comfort zone by recognizing that you have become used to things as they are. (2) Recommit to your goals and bring back your motivation to forge ahead, no matter what. (3) Think about what will happen if you stay in your comfort zone; usually you will not like what you see.


自分の安全地帯にとどまってはいませんか?わたしたちはたいてい自分の安全地帯にとどまっているものです。前進するためには拒否されたり、挫折したり、様々な不快感を乗り越えなければいけないことがわかっていながらも、そこからなかなか出られずにいるのです。自分の安全地帯から抜け出すための方法を4つ教えましょう。(1) 物事がそのままであることに馴れていることを認め、自分が安全地帯にいることを認識しましょう。 (2) 自分のゴールに再び向き合い、何があっても前に進めるようにモチベーションを取り戻しましょう。(3) もしこのまま安全地帯にとどまったらどうなるか、想像してみましょう。きっとこのままではいけないと思うはずです。

yumiko1112 English → Japanese
Original Text

Goals are nice, but don't forget to live your life. When we have goals, we sometimes stop thinking about the present, and the present is where we live. Find something to be happy for now.

There is always something that we are waiting for and then life will begin. Stop waiting until you get that promotion, raise, perfect mate, etc., so you can be happy. It is nice to attain the big goals, but usually the glow of achievement is short-lived and we need to move on to the next goal. There will always be problems in your life and there will always be things that you want. If you wait for your problems to go away, or until you have the perfect life, you will never be happy.




yumiko1112 English → Japanese
Original Text

The answer to these questions is balance. Everything we do as well as don't do in life has a price. Step back now and look to see if you need more balance in your life, and start now to regain it. It has been said that every man dies, but not every man lives. You need balance in your life if you work too hard, or play too hard, at the expense of the other parts of your life. You can't neglect your health, or your personal life for your professional life, for too long, without paying the price. All the parts of your life con¬tribute to your total success, and you need each part to make it to the top and stay there.



yumiko1112 English → Japanese
Original Text

Vision: By 2 months baby can track objects with her eyes, following movement. In addition to colors in the red spectrum, baby can now see the color green.

Touch: Arms and legs are now extending further and although is still poorly coordinated, baby can reach out.

Hearing: At 2 months, baby can respond to sounds and is beginning to make gurgle noises of her own. Baby will respond best to mother’s voice.

Smell: Smell is the most developed sense at birth and baby continues to use this advanced sense to root out food when hungry

What You Can Do:
Keep talking to baby and describe things you see. Baby will develop his communication skills by listening to the sound, tone and inflection of your conversation


視覚: 2カ月目までに、赤ちゃんは自分の目でモノが動いているのを追うことができるようになる。また、赤のスペクトラムだけではなく、緑も見えるようになる。

触覚: 腕も脚ももっと伸ばすことができるようになり、おぼつきながらも手を伸ばせるようになる。

聴覚: 2カ月目には、赤ちゃんは音に反応できるようになり、自分でものどを鳴らすような音をたてられるようになる。赤ちゃんは母親の声に最も反応する。

嗅覚: 嗅覚は生まれつき最も発達しており、進んだ嗅覚で、空腹の時は食べ物の匂いを嗅ぎつける。


yumiko1112 English → Japanese
Original Text

Hold baby facing outward, so baby can see things in her environment. Walk baby to objects and describe what you are seeing and feeling.
Offer a toy with high contrast and red colors. Baby is better able to distinguish this coloration at this age.
Place a developmental mobile in baby’s crib, one with high contrasts, mirror surfaces and bold colors. You may or may not turn on the music. Take a cue from baby whether he prefers music, noise or a quiet time.
We found a great website sponsored by the Erikson Institute in Chicago, called The Fussy Baby at that you can turn to if you feel you have an excessively fussy baby.


シカゴにあるErikson Instituteが講演しているThe Fussy Babyという素晴らしいサイト(があります。もしあまりにも赤ちゃんがぐずついているときは、参照してはいかがでしょう。

yumiko1112 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

A few years ago I used to be a hothead. Whenever anyone said anything, I’d think of a way to disagree. I’d push back hard if something didn’t fit my world-view.

It’s like I had to be first with an opinion – as if being first meant something. But what it really meant was that I wasn’t thinking hard enough about the problem. The faster you react, the less you think. Not always, but often.

It’s easy to talk about knee jerk reactions as if they are things that only other people have. You have them too. If your neighbor isn’t immune, neither are you.



