ymorio3 Translations

ID Unverified
About 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English German French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ymorio3 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Thank you for the camera hostname. Regarding to DNS server, could you please help confirm what's your customer's configuration on NVR network connection part? as snapshot. Does he only use primary DNS server or he use secondary as well, on both LAN1 and LAN2, or on LAN1 only, please kindly help confirm, and I'd like to share this information to you that we estimate the new firmware supporting camera DDNS url will be released on the middle of next month, as soon as I have it on hand, I will provide it to you. Please kindly give us some time, thank you.


カメラのホストネームをどうも有り難うございます。DNSサーバによると、NVRネットワークの連結部分?における貴殿のお客様環境設定が何かを確かめる必要があるため、スナップ写真を撮って頂けませんか?彼はプライマリーDNSサーバしか使用されないのでしょうか?それともLAN1とLAN2、もしくはLAN1のみにおいてセカンダリーDNSサーバも使用されるのでしょうか?確認をお願い致します。我々は新たなファームウェアサポーティングカメラのDDNS URLが来月中旬に発表されると考えており、私は貴殿にもこの情報を知って頂きたく存じます。私がURLを入手しましたら、貴殿にご報告致します。