yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Ideasource director Andi Surja Boediman described Kark as “a good innovation in digital industry,” and said that the team will support the entrepreneurs “in many ways.”

Kark still has the opportunity to impress more folks and maybe gain even more backing when they pitch at the ‘demo day’ in Jakarta next month. The city has proved to be a great place for the Singapore startup so far. JFDI Asia’s co-founder Wong Meng Weng said today:

We’ve been impressed with Kark since we first met the team in Jakarta. This investment, coming before the official Demo Day, is proof of the progress the startup has made since joining us in Singapore a couple of months ago.


IdeoSourceのディレクターのAndi Surja Boediman氏は、Karkについて、「デジタル産業界の良き改革」と説明しており、彼のチームは事業家たちを「様々な面において」支援していきたい、とそう述べた。

まだ他にも多くの輩にKarkのことを印象付けるチャンスをKarkは持ちえており、そして来月ジャカルタで開催される「デモ・デー」でのピッチ後、さらなる支援を得る可能性もある。ジャカルタは、シンガポールのスタートアップ企業にとってこれまでのところ非常に良いビジネスの場となっている。JFDI Asiaの共同創始者であるWong Meng Weng氏は本日このように述べた:


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Regulations Clear the Road for Self-driving Cars
Nevada is the first state to allow the testing of autonomous vehicles on public roadways

In a step that puts Nevada first in the nation while paving the way for unique economic opportunity, the Legislative Commission today approved regulations allowing for the operation of self-driving vehicles on the state’s roadways.

"Nevada is the first state to embrace what is surely the future of automobiles," Department of Motor Vehicles Director Bruce Breslow said. "These regulations establish requirements companies must meet to test their vehicles on Nevada’s public roadways as well as requirements for residents to legally operate them in the future."




「ネバダ州は、必ずしや自動車の未来となるものを初めて受け入れる州となる」、と陸運局長のBruce Breslow氏は述べた。「これらの条例では、将来、企業や住民が各々の自動車をネバダ州の公道上で合法的に運転する際に満たさねばならない条件が制定されている。」

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

In creating the regulations, the department partnered with Google, automobile manufacturers, testing professionals, insurance companies, universities and law enforcement all with a common vision of saving lives. Several other states currently have bills in front of their legislators that will follow Nevada into the future.

"Our work doesn’t stop here," Breslow said. "The department is currently developing licensing procedures for companies that want to test their self-driving vehicles in Nevada. Nevada is proud to be the first state to embrace this emergent technology and the department looks forward to sustaining partnerships as the technology evolves."




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Include SEO tags/keywords linking back to your website.
Next day distribution option (if submitted before 5pm PST, 8pm EST).
Access to statistics to measure your campaign.
Receive a Proof of Distribution report with links to your press release posted on between 40 to 60 websites.
Include a video up to 3 minutes in length.
Attach up to 7 files, logos or images (jpg, gif, bmp, pdf, xls, txt, doc) (4)
Social media tool bar.
News shared on 24-7 Press Release Twitter.
Guaranteed 24-7Pressrelease.com front page display.
Higher placement above press releases of lower payments.
Press release review and optimization.
Advertisement free of Google Ads.


40~60のウェブサイト上で投稿された貴社のプレスリリースへのリンクを含むProof of Distribution(配信確認)レポートの受信。
最大7つのファイル、ロゴ、もしくは画像(jpg, gif, bmp, pdf, xls, txt, doc形式)の添付(4)
24-7 Press Release Twitterでシェアされたニュース。
Google Ads上での無料広告。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Images on the web service can now be embedded on external websites, much as you could with a Flickr image or a YouTube video. The interesting part here is that once embedded, the image links back to the creators profile and features a credit on the bottom that attributes the image to them. Content creators can enable or disable embedding permissions according to their preference.

There’s also a fairly intrusive “The Creative Finder” logo, and that may or may not bother publishers who wish to embed the image. I’d be ok with it, but I’m not sure if everyone else would be.



また他にもかなり目立つ「The Creative Finder」のロゴが見受けられるのだが、埋め込みをしたいと考える投稿者にとってこれは面倒なものかもしれないし、そうでもないかもしれない。私は特に気にはしないが、他者も同じくこのロゴが気にならないのかどうかは不明である。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

For creatives who want to show off their work, the site has a freemium model with paid plans of $9.99 per month and $14.99 per month bringing a range of added features over the base plan. And the free plan is indeed pretty limited, as you can only publish up to 10 photos. But with the new embedded feature, it does mean that more people could potentially see your work. Personally, I still prefer to rock my own photo gallery.

In any case The Creative Finder does look like a very promising service. And this new embed feature is a solid step towards making it a little bit better, not just for creatives, but also for those who want to use their work with proper attribution.



いずれにしても、The Creative Finderは、有望なサービスと見受けられる。そしてこの新たな埋め込み機能も、作者に限らず、作品を正規のクレジットと共に紹介していきたいと考える人々にとっても、良きサービスへの確かな1歩となるだろう。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Now the folks at Kadinche Tokyo [1], the provider of Panoplaza, tell us that they have created two new virtual stores in collaboration with local companies. The first is a something called a ‘Virtual Switchroom’ for Tokyu Department Store’s shopping mall ShinQs. While the store only just opened yesterday, the virtual store was online a few days in advance as a means of virtual promotion. You can tour ShinQs’s restrooms (which the company hopes will appeal to female customers), by visiting the virtual switchroom. You can click the clever buttons on the left, which serve as your elevator to take you between the different floors of the building!


今日、Panoplazaの提供者であるKadinche Tokyo[1]のメンバーたちは、彼らが現地企業と共同して新たに2つの店舗を開設したことを我々に教えてくれた。第1店舗目は、「バーチャルスイッチルーム」と呼ばれるもので、東急百貨店のショッピングモールShinQs(シンクス)だ。昨日オープンしたばかりのモールだが、バーチャルストアは数日前から既に開始されており、バーチャルプロモーションを展開していた。ShinQs(シンクス)のお手洗い(当企業は女性客を集客することを目的としている)を、バーチャルスイッチルームを訪問することで閲覧することができる。左にあるボタン類を押すと、それはユーザーのエレベーターと化し、建物内のいろいろな階へと連れて行ってくれるのだ。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

The second initiative is Nissen’s ‘Smileland Virtual Shop,’ which recreates the in-store shopping experience [2] by giving you a panoramic view of the store and all its contents. Here you’ll find the search function is most helpful, as typing the desired item into the search bar will bring up suggested results that are in stock. It’s pictured below, but you can browse it for yourself here.

Creating such stores for Tokyu and Nissen is contractual development work for the company, I’m told. In addition to these prominent new clients, Panoplaza has also won the “Tablet Solution Award” and “Microsoft Innovation Award” in Japan already this year.


2つ目の店舗は、ニッセンの「スマイルランド smiLeLand バーチャルショップ」で、店舗内のパノラマビューと店舗内のコンテンツを提供し、店舗内での体験を再現してくれるというもの。ここでは、検索機能が非常に便利で、検索バーに希望する商品を入力すると在庫のある商品を検索結果として推奨してくれる。下図のとおりだが、こちらからも見ることができる。

東急百貨店とニッセンのためにこのような店舗を作り上げることは、当企業にとって契約的な開発作業である、とそう彼らは私に述べた。Panoplazaは、これらの名立たる新しい顧客を得た以外にも、日本国内で今年既に、「Tablet Solution Award」と「Microsoft Innovation Award」といった賞を受賞している。