yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Regarding inventory, I cannot sell you all of my stock of inventory. I
have other customers who have requested inventory. I also want to keep the
listing active on Amazon. I have had other products sell out on Amazon and
then never recover sales because the listing loses visibility.

Regarding getting you ten more units, I can ship from my facility via 3day
and support the $84.90 price. (I would prefer to ship twelve). I would ask
you to pay for the shipping, and I will have a full quote later today.
This should cost you less than the Amazon method will.

I wills end another e-mail with this quote later today.





yakuok English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

Dear Naoki,

While we do understand that orders are placed in error, unfortunately our policy is clear regarding cancellations. I can hold off shipment, however again, since the order was already processed, it would be canceled for Store Credit only.

We attempt to accommodate all customers requests within reason. We take pride on how quickly we process orders for our customers and unfortunately once your order was placed, it was immediately dispatched for processing, filled and charged. We do not issue refunds, therefore at this time we would be reaching outside our typical protocol by offering you to cancel the order for Store Credit at this time.

Please let me know what you wish to do. Thank you!



ご注文時に発生したエラーとのこと十分理解しておりますが、キャンセルと言うことになりますと私共のポリシーどおりの処理となります。郵送を取りやめることはもちろん可能ですが、前述のとおり、ナオキ様のご注文は既に処理済みとなっておりますため、Store Creditとしてキャンセルさせて頂くことになります。

私共では、許容範囲内でお客様のご要望に沿えるよう最善の努力をするよう心がけております。私共では、お客様のご注文処理を敏速に行うことを誇りとしております。残念ながら、ご注文が完了した後は、速やかに処理、書類手続き、そして課金へと進ませて頂いております。私共では返金処理は行っておらず、今回の件に関しましては私共の許容範囲外になりますが、お客様のご注文を取り消し、Store Creditとして処理させて頂きます。


* Store Credit : 該当の店舗のみで使用可能なポイント式システムで、キャンセルした商品に対する返金ができない場合に用いられます。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Once you log in, you will be provided with steps to restore your
account access. We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure account

In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement, your account access will remain
limited until the issue has been resolved. Unfortunately, if access to your
account remains limited for an extended period of time, it may result in further
limitations or eventual account closure. We encourage you to log in to your
PayPal account as soon as possible to help avoid this.

To review your account and some or all of the information that PayPal used to
make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the Resolution




お客様のアカウントの確認や、PayPalにてお客様のアカウントの制限を行うことになった理由などの詳細をご確認頂くには、Resolution Centerにてお願い致します。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal
system. We recently contacted you after noticing an issue on your account.

We requested information from you for the following reason:

A recent review of your account determined that we require some additional
information from you in order to provide you with secure service.

Case ID Number: PP-175-704-139

This is a second reminder to log in to PayPal as soon as possible. Once you log
in, you will be provided with steps to restore your account access.

Be sure to log in securely by using the following link:
Click here to login and restore your account access








yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Generativity and authoritarianism assessed at age 52 were correlated with criterion variables assessed at age 62 in a sample of well-educated women (N = 81). Results indicated that generativity predicted positive personality characteristics, satisfaction with marriage and motherhood, and successful aging. By contrast, although authoritarianism is linked in the literature to endorsing traditional gender roles, authoritarianism was uncorrelated in the current study with happiness about marriage and was negatively related to perceptions of motherhood. These data suggest that midlife authoritarianism may be problematic as women transition from their 50s to their 60s.


高学歴女性のサンプルでは、52歳時に評価された世代継承性と権威主義性が、62歳時に評価された目的変数に関連付けされた(N = 81)。その結果、世代継承性においては、前向きな人間性、結婚や子育てにおける満足度、そして効果的な歳のとり方を示した。それとは対照的に、権威主義性は従来の性別の役割を裏づけするものと文献内で関連付けされてはいるものの、権威主義性は現行の研究では結婚における幸せに関連付けられることはなく、子育てにおける受け止め方でも否定的な形で関連付けされることになった。これらのデータが示すのは、女性の50代から60代にかけての過渡期である中年時に存在する権威主義性は問題と捉えられる可能性があるというものだ。