yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
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Sound familiar? Yeah, InMobi (under Sprout) and 2359 Media (under MobDis) also provide similar self-service mobile ad management solutions and both are also ORMAA friendly and fighting for market share in Asia.

When asked about Crisp’s hiring and expansion plans in Singapore, Tom Limongello, VP of Marketing of the company told me that they plan to hire three to five team members in 2012 in Singapore who will focus on serving brand advertisers in the Asia Pacific region. Besides sales, the Singapore team will also focus on R&D and product development. Limongello shared more about Crisp Media’s plans in Asia:


これには聞き覚えがあるだろう?そう、InMobi(Sprout傘下)と2359 Media(MobDis傘下)もまた、同様のセルフサービス型のモバイル広告管理ソリューションを提供しており、そして両社ともORMAA規格に準じており、アジアでのマーケットシェアを獲得するため対立を続けている。

Crispのシンガポールにおける雇用と事業拡大計画について聞いた時、当企業のマーケティング部門副社長のTom Limongello氏は、シンガポールでは3~5名のチームメンバーを2012年に雇用し、これらのメンバーはアジアパシフック地域のブランドアドバタイザー対応を中心に動いてもらう予定だ、と私にシェアしてくれた。セールス以外にも、シンガポールチームは、R&Dと商品開発にも携わる模様だ。Limongello氏はCrisp Mediaのアジアにおける計画についてさらにシェアしてくれた。

yakuok English → Japanese
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"Our plan for 2012 is to focus on regional opportunities in Singapore as well as local opportunities in China, Korea and Japan, and to that end members of the Crisp team have made trips to those countries recently to meet with agencies, ad networks, media reps and publishers."

That’s nice to hear! But InMobi seems to be a step ahead in Asia. It has bagged $200 million (led by Japan’s Softbank) and has also recently set up an office in China. Plus, InMobi already has a strong presence in the APAC region. Then again, Asia is surely big enough for more players to enter into this dog fight.


「我々の2012年の計画は、シンガポールでの地域別の事業機会と、中国、韓国、そして日本における地元での事業機会に焦点を置くことであり、その為にCrisp チームのメンバーたちは先頃それらの国々を訪れ、エージェント、広告ネットワーク企業、メディア代表者、そして出版社と面会している。」


yakuok English → Japanese
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Meanwhile things are getting a little worrying for Singapore-based 2359 Media which has only launched MobDis three months ago. Since then, we haven’t heard many updates from the company.

Limongello also told me some factors that motivated Crisp to set up a base in Asia and not in Europe: he said that Asia is a larger and less fragmented market. Labor cost is also much more affordable here in Asia than in Europe. “You can develop Europe from US but not Asia,” he added.

Plus, Crisp also manages global customers in its New York office, including the Wall Street Journal and Microsoft who want ad campaigns done in Asia too.


その一方、MobDisをたった3ヶ月前に開始したシンガポールを拠点とする2359 Mediaは、少しばかり不安材料を抱えているようだ。当企業からのその後のアップデート情報などは耳にしていない。


さらに、Crispはニューヨークオフィスで世界の顧客管理を行っており、Wall Street ournalとMicrosoftがその中に含まれるが、それらの企業もまた宣伝広告キャンペーンをアジアで行いたいと考えている。

yakuok English → Japanese
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I will write most of the summary of the Devfest that aren’t full of codes, most of the codes can be find at Google Developers and Google Code.

G+ Gets Brand/Business Pages

So the event started off with the ever increasing use of the Google+ platform. ‘+1’ – or some might say Google’s version of Facebook Like – is really affecting the search results and works as a recommendation tool now. For example, you searched for a specific keyword, and you are clueless as to what link to click – but now under every link, Google has added a recommendation by your friends on Google+, or you yourself can also +1 a link or a search result. Google+ just launched Google+ Pages for brands and start-ups last week.


私は、このDevFestについての概要を記述していくが、コードで溢れかえった記事にするつもりはない。多くのコードについては、Google Developers と Google Codeにて見つけ出すことができるだろう。


イベントは、永続的に利用度が増え続けていると見られるGoogle+プラットフォームに関することから開始した。"+1" (Google版Facebookの"Like-いいね"と言う人もいるが)は、検索結果に影響を与えるものとなってきており、現在では推奨ツールとして役立っている。例として、特定のキーワードを検索したとして、どのリンクをクリックすればいいのか分からない場合、今ではGoogle+上に推奨ツールが追加されているため、友達が勧めるリンクなどが分かるようになっている。また自分自身でもリンクか検索結果に対して+1の評価を行うことができる。Google+は先週ブランドとスタートアップ企業をターゲットにしたGoogle+ Pagesを立ち上げた。

yakuok English → Japanese
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It’s a must-have thing if you wish to improve your search results and gain more exposure. From now on, you can see +1 displayed on display ads, mobile, websites, and search results. For authors or bloggers, you can also associate your content with your Google profile now. For early adopters who are on Google+, connect with us here.

Android Pushes Social and NFC

The DevFest then moved onto Google’s mobile OS, Android, which hasn’t quite taken off in Indonesia as much as it has in, say, China, or the EU. And so the Google crew put emphasis on the advantages of Android, such as homescreen widgets and slick notifications where apps can push info to the top menu bar without needing to access the app itself.





yakuok English → Japanese
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HTML5 and Chrome

On the bleeding edge of HTML5, Google basically blew our minds at the DevFest with how they use HTML5 to make such beautiful web apps – and Chrome looks to be pushing forward how people can access those beautiful sites without any hassle and lag (though, to be fair, Firefox supports HTML5 really well too). Google also mentioned that if we really look at it, web browsers, starting from 2008, are iterating more quickly and releasing new versions even faster now. The Chrome team is releasing its new version of the super-beta channel ‘Chromium’ every six weeks!




yakuok English → Japanese
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Even though RIM (NASDAQ:RIMM) says that its leading in terms of smartphone marketshare in Indonesia, Android is turning out to be the leading OS on some cheaper phones and that can be a real threat if Google is putting serious effort to build their developer community here.

Although the once rumoured office is definitely out of the way for now, Google plans to hold more events to garner more developers to develop for Android, like one of the successful award-winning Android game developers, NightSpade. Google also promised to enable developers to sell in the Android Market instead of just being able to buy apps in the country – well, we are definitely waiting for that day!


RIM (NASDAQ:RIMM)は、当企業はインドネシアにおけるスマートフォンの市場シェアでは優勢ではあるが、Androidは安価のフォンに搭載のOSとしては優位に立つ可能性も出てきており、Googleが真剣にディベロッパーコミュニティを当地に築き上げる努力を始めたときにそれは大きな脅威となるだろう、と述べている。

一時期噂となったGoogleのオフィス立ち上げの話は立ち消えとなったが、Googleはさらに多くのイベントを開催し、賞をも獲得し成功しているAndroid ゲーム開発者であるNightSpadeのようなAndroidの開発に関わっていくより多くの開発者を獲得したいと考えている。Googleはまた、ただ単に国内でアプリを購入できる場としてだけではなく、開発者がAndroid Marketで販売を行うことを可能としていくことを約束した。そんな日がいつか来ることを楽しみにしている。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Shunwang was founded in July 2005. After just three years, it claimed to provide its software service to over 93,000 Internet bars and have at least 46 percent market share in the industry. Its Internet bar management software, iCafe8, follows a freemium model. Internet bars can use the software for free but have to pay for premium service such as automated and safe upgrading of games, financial management tools, and advertisement revenue.

Shunwang also has two other products: a media and advertising platform (for ads selling) and a digital entertainment marketplace.


