transcontinents Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
Business Product Descriptions Travel
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

Facebook said it is rolling out Topic Data at first exclusively in the United States and the U.K. with DataSift, a data analysis company. “We want to make sure the information we provide is useful to marketers,” Facebook wrote, so we’re using DataSift’s technology to power the platforms that turn the data into insights.”

As examples of how Topic Data can help marketers, Facebook said that it could help a company that sells a hair de-frizzing product see the demographics of customers discussing how humidity affects their hair. Similarly, brands can measure brand sentiment by understanding what people are saying about their company or their industry.


Facebookによると、同社はまずデータ分析会社DataSiftとともにアメリカとイギリス限定でTopic Dataを展開するという。「マーケターにとって有益な情報提供ができることを確証したいと思っています。DataSiftの技術を使って洞察力のあるデータプラットフォームを作っています。」とFacebookは記述している。

FacebookはTopic Dataの活用法として、ヘアセット商品を販売する会社が湿気が髪に与える影響についてユーザーがどのように話題にしているかと、ユーザーのプロフィール統計がわかることを例に挙げた。同様に、自社や業界がどういう話題として扱われているかを理解することで各ブランドは自社のブランド像を意識することができる。

transcontinents English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

i am sorry about the situation, it is because there is large demand for works, I usually have more interested parties in the highlight works, mostly from the private offer, for example A and B are a high demand, and when i reserve the artwork, I have to sa no to some one else and when the sale is not completed it is than that the artwork is not sold to any of the interested parties.
I believe we will have a great communication and relationship. Also with regular customers I do offer various discounts, quick shipping within 24 hours, and form time to time I am able to send an extra items.
Regarding the A works I would really appreciate if we can complete the sale as I have the works reserved fro you.

