Alice Le (trangnhung193) Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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Almost 12 years ago Female 30s
Viet Nam
English Japanese Vietnamese (Native)
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trangnhung193 Japanese → English ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text




I receive a fair wind of the Tokyo Olympics Paralympics held decision in 2020, and I enter in September, and Tokyo two, one Kyoto and Japan holding are decided one after another large size international conferences more than 4,000 holding scales.

As the reason why the invitation of many meetings succeeded, the people concerned such as a sponsor, association of study, industry, the local government get united, and the Japanese Government sightseeing station raises that national invitation activity was evaluated.
In addition, JNTO supports Japan inspection of the influential decision incarnation of a procession and the International Headquarters of the letter of invitation such as the Prime Minister, the Director of JNTO on the occasion of invitation activity in cooperation with Japan Tourism Agency