Tourmaline (tourmaline) Translations

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About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
technology Law Science
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tourmaline English → Japanese
Original Text

On-demand massage app in China attracts $5M series A funding

If you’re feeling, like, ohmygod totally stressed after getting an Uber home from work and then receiving your home-delivered laundry and dinner, you might like to fire up an app and order a massage therapist. That’s pretty much the idea behind China’s Diandao, an on-demand service that brings qualified professionals to your doorstep.

Chinese tech blog 36Kr reports today that Diandao has just secured US$5 million in series A funding to assist with its growth. The investment was led by Banyan Capital along with 58Daojia, a local web startup that specializes in other on-demand services for things like housekeeping and beauty treatment.





tourmaline English → Japanese
Original Text

Diandao only has massage therapists available in Beijing and Shanghai at the moment, which highlights how tough it is to expand these kinds of services across a nation. The price of an expert massage starts at about RMB 128 (US$20), putting it on a par with the professional (and legit) massage parlors that can be found in (the non-dodgy parts of) every Chinese city.

This series A for Diandao is a drop in the ocean of VC interest in a wave of on-demand startups in China – whether it’s for home-delivered salads, home-administered nail art, or a chef who comes to your kitchen.

The lazy economy has truly landed in China.


Diandaoは、現在北京と上海のみでマッサージ士を持つが、これは全土に渡ってこの類のサービスを拡張することがいかに難しいかを物語っている。プロのマッサージの価格は、RMB128 (20米ドル)ぐらいからで、(危険ではない地域の)すべての中国の都市にあるであろうプロの(そして公正な)マッサージ営業所と同程度である。

今回のDiandaoのシリーズAによって中国のオンデマンド・スタートアップへのベンチャーキャピタルの興味は急速に速まるだろう -それが、宅配サラダや出張ネイルアートや自宅のキッチンに来てくれるシェフであろうとも。
