toruneko Translations

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Almost 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
toruneko English → Japanese
Original Text

While apps like Whatsapp and 31SMS focus on the smartphone segment, Anuj explains that these smartphone-only apps might not work well in Asia. After all, most Asians are still feature phones users. So Pinch is created to work on both smartphone and feature phones. The app will allow messaging between feature and smartphone, feature and feature phone — what ever permutation you can imagine. Anuj also explains that it doesn’t matter whether feature phone users have GPRS, 3G, or nothing at all. Pinch will still work perfect as messages are sent through as SMS and received as “pinch messages” at the receiver’s end.


Whatsappや31SMSのようなアプリケーションはスマートフォンのセグメントに焦点をあてているが、Anuj氏の説明ではスマートフォン専用アプリは、アジアではうまくいかない可能性があるという。結局のところ、ほとんどのアジア人は依然として携帯電話機能の利用者である。そのためPinchはスマートフォンと携帯電話の両方で機能するように開発された。このアプリでは、携帯とスマートフォン、携帯と携帯の間で、どの順序でもメッセージ交換ができるようになる。Anuj氏は、携帯電話ユーザーがGPRSや3Gを使っていようがいまいが問題はないと説明している。メッセージがSMSとして送られ、受信側で「pinch messages」として受け取られるので、Pinchはその場合でも完璧に機能する。

toruneko English → Japanese
Original Text

Everything looks to be in order as Anuj seems to have masterminded the entire road map for Affle. When asked why he decided to take up Japanese mobile ad agency, D2C’s investment offer, Anuj explained that the investment works more like a partnership than an investment. He said he could have gotten $10 million from other investors, but D2C’s investment cemented this partnership further as both companies found it fit their business model and market expertise.

With D2C’s expertise and wide network, Affle can easily grow in Japan. While D2C can also offer its clients ad inventories managed by Affle, particularly in India and Indonesia, thus, creating a win-win cross-selling opportunity.




toruneko English → Japanese
Original Text

On a related note, Anuj revealed that all Affle’s fundings have been so far sourced from non-venture capital funds. Instead, the fundings are usually focused on strategic partnership where money is used as a means to cement the relationship. Affle, as he explained, is a long-term project which he and his team have committed to. When ask about exits, Anuj told me that he isn’t even thinking about it. If someone wants to buy Affle, he says that his “masterpiece” needs to be in safe hands before he would agree to let it go. He insists that any acquisition decision must be made for the company’s best interest and shouldn’t be purely for monetary gains.



toruneko English → Japanese
Original Text

It isn’t the end of the world though. But these payment issues do force companies to create new ways to collect the cash. mig33 is one successful example. At the recent Founders Drinks in Singapore, Chris Chandler, VP of Business Development at mig33, shared how his company has successfully created a model to collect payments in this region.

In case you don’t know what mig33 is, it’s a mobile social network with over 50 million users, with strong presence in countries like Indonesia, Nepal, and Afghanistan. About half of its user base are Indonesians. On mig33 users can chat, play games, and occasionally, buy virtual goods for their friends like cupcakes, roses, and soft toys.




toruneko English → Japanese
Original Text

Instead of asking folks to key in their credit card or Paypal details for payment (which obviously isn’t gonna work) mig33 has a group of enthusiastic merchants to help distribute its credits. Here’s how it works:

・Ali the merchant buy credits from mig33. At this stage, the money is already in mig33’s bank account.
・Billy, a user who needs to buy virtual cupcakes on the mobile social network, will purchase credits from Ali and pay him cash.
・Ali will transfer mig33 credits to Billy’s account on the spot.
・Ali smiles as he earns a 30 percent margin from the credits and goes back to mig33 for restock. The cycle goes on.


