石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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Nonetheless, some security guidelines on the above components will be explained in later sections with focus on their security measures.
This architecture can separate the internal network from the external one, and can hide the information about the internal network. Separate segments may be assigned within the DMZ for better access control and protection.
In fact, Internet gateway architecture for different services may require specific tailoring depending on many factors such as network infrastructure, services provided, performance, mode of operations, cost and so on.

Web Servers
Separate web servers should be used to restrict access when providing different information to internal and external users.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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• Web servers can be placed inside or outside the internal network. Web servers, which are placed inside the internal network, are normally used for providing information to internal users, while web servers outside the internal network are used for disseminating information to the public or external users. All outside web servers need to be connected to the firewall in the DMZ with a separate network interface.
• A dedicated host should be assigned for running a web server, a mail server or any critical service separately. In case of being compromised, this can reduce the impact to other services.


• ウェブサーバーは、内部ネットワークの中、もしくは外に置くことができます。
• 専用のホストを割り当て、ウェブサーバ、メール・サーバー、またはどの重要なサービスも、独立して実行されなければなりません。能力が弱められると、それが他のサービスへの影響力を下げることがあります。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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Our company was selected as one of the 9 startups to pitch directly to a panel of judges at the Echelon Japan Satellite. Conyac for Business was the 3rd participant to pitch at the event, and even though we didn't win, we enjoyed watching other startup's presentations. They inspired us and gave us a better idea of what we should focus on in the future in order to continue the rapid growth in Asia.

The winner was TopAdmit, a Taiwan-based educational startup that provides a professional essay editing services for students. Congratulations to them and we hope to see them win the final Echelon competition!

If you missed the Satellites, you can still meet Conyac Team at the Echelon Startup Marketplace in Singapore.


我が社は、Echelon Japan Satelliteで審査委員会に直接売り込みを行う9社のスタートアップのうちの1社に選ばれました。Conyac for Businessは、同イベントで売り込みを行った3番目の参加者でした。そして、勝つことはできませんでしたが、我々は他のスタートアップのプレゼンテーションを楽しみました。それらは、我々を刺激し、我々がアジアで急成長を続けるために今後集中すべきことについてさらに良いアイディアを与えてくれました。


同Satellitesを見逃した方は、さらに、シンガポールで開催のEchelon Startup MarketplaceでConyacチームを見ていただく機会があります。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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This is what Startup Dating's Rick Martin wrote about our CEO's pitch:
"We’ve heard from Conyac a few times before, so regular readers are likely somewhat familiar with this service. Naoki Yamada pitched the startups offering for business, explaining that their crowdsourced translation solution can provide quick translations for businesses for a low price. As a typical business use case, he gave the example of a 10-slide powerpoint presentation, which was translated in five hours and cost $36. In comparison to competing services, Naoki explained that on their platform translators can be educated by more experienced translators, thus giving them an opportunity to improve themselves."



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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(which will be explained in later sub-section) from the internal network. Unlike firewalls, these routers are normally considered as network devices with value-added security features rather than as security products.
The intrusion detection and monitoring stated above refers to any means, such as tools or procedures, that can provide such functions, but may not be necessary a physical device. The use of IDS/IPS tools can help to automate, speed up and facilitate the intrusion detection and monitoring process. The actual use of such tools is subject to our department’s own requirements but the gateway should accommodate with at least a procedure-based mechanism to detect and monitor intrusions.Apart from that,



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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a set of security policy and procedures should be developed for controlling and monitoring the Internet gateway. There is a need to perform security audit regularly, after major changes or prior to implementation to ensure that the Internet gateway is set up properly in accordance with the security policy. Even if there is no internal network connection, it would still be better to have the above recommended security protection.

Illustrated below is a sample logical network diagram for an Internet gateway. Our departments may revise the network architecture according to their own requirements, services offered and existing network structure. The relative position of network components may need to be altered.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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Illustrated above is the recommended security protection required for an Internet gateway, which provides a channel for access from internet network to the Internet without hosting any web servers or mail servers. The de-militarised zone (DMZ) is the area where security measures are placed.
A firewall host is deployed to filter out unauthorised or malicious traffic. It should be noted that a firewall is not the totality of security solutions. There are a number of things that a firewall cannot protect against, including but not limited to:

• Denial of service attacks and assure data integrity
• Attacks from unwitting users
• Attacks from computer virus or malicious code



• サービス攻撃拒否、およびデータ・インテグリティの保証
• 意図しないユーザーからの攻撃
• コンピュータ・ウイルスまたは悪質なコードからの攻撃

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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and will benefit from international tracking of the item from the parcel processing facility through delivery.Unless you have previously opted into the Global Shipping Program or are a new user, we may make your eligible new and existing listings available to international buyers through the Global Shipping Program only after you have indicated a desire to take advantage of this program in the form of an electronic click-through acceptance of the User Agreement or otherwise. Your participation in the Global Shipping Program will be subject to additional terms and conditions, including an agreement with that provider for the provision of its services to you.


また、小包み処理施設から配達に至るまで、アイテムの国際的な追跡の恩恵を得ます。貴社がすでにGlobal Shipping Programを選んでいるか、新しいユーザーでない限り、弊社は、貴社がユーザー契約の電子クリックスルー承認その他の形で、本プログラムを利用したい旨の要望を示した後に限り、Global Shipping Programを通してあなたの適格な新規、および既存のリストを国際的な買い手が利用できるようにすることができます。貴社のGlobal Shipping Programへの参加は、貴社に対するそのサービスの提供に関するそのプロバイダーとの契約を含む、追加の取引条件の支配を受けます。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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We've heard your feedback, and we have some exciting news about your MyUS.com account!

Now YOU have more control over your packages and faster service for special requests, AND we're saving you money!

Automated package service requests
We have automated requests to check a package, split a package, discard a package or return to sender. Automating this process means you do not have to email your account manager, and you will get faster completion of the request. We have also added the option of selecting "URGENT" ($5) for any of these package service requests. All from the convenience of your inbox! Please see this blog post for more information and pricing for these services.





パッケージのチェック、パッケージの分割、パッケージの処分、または送り主への返送といったリクエストを自動化しました。このプロセスの自動化は、あなたアカウント・マネージャーにメールする必要がなく、かつリクエストがより迅速に完了されるということです。また、当社は、これらのパッケージ・サービス・リクエストのいずれに対しても、「至急」(5ドル)の選択権も加えました。それが、すべてあなたのインボックスからできるという便利さ! こうしたサービスの詳細な情報や価格設定については、こちらのブログ記事をご覧ください。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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Consolidated invoicing of individual charges for the various services we may provide to you will now result in considerable savings in bank transaction fees. This new service will still allow you to see charges as they accrue, and ultimately when they are charged to your payment method.

We're working on even more ways to save you money and give you more control over your packages. We'll send you an email soon about even more exciting features in your MyUS account.

Now that we have given you more control and faster service, your inbox may look a little different. If you have any questions, or if you need any assistance using these new features, our Customer Service department is here seven days per week to help.





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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Earlier this year,Topeka Capital analyst Brian White wrote in a research note that "checks are pointing to more choices on the way with the next iPhone," including more colour options."By providing customers with greater choices with the same high quality and performance of the iPhone,be believe Apple has the potential to further expand its market share in the rapidly expanding smartphone world," he said.

The latest generation of iPod touch introduced several new colours for the first time,expanding on the black and white versions previously offered,so Apple could extend these colour choices to its other products,including the iPhone,iPad,and iPad mini.


今年始め、Topeka Capitalのアナリストであるブライアン・ホワイトは研究ノートで、「いくつかの材料が、次のiPhoneではより多くの選択肢が提示されることになることを暗示している」と、書きました。より多くのカラー・オプションを含めてです。顧客に、iPhoneの同じ高品質と同じ性能の、より大きな選択肢をもたらすことで、彼らは、アップルには急速に拡大しているスマートフォンの世界で、さらに市場シェアを拡大する潜在力があると思うのです」と、彼は言いました。

iPod touchの最新世代は、初めていくつかの新色を持ち出し、前に出していた白と黒のバージョンを拡大しましたから、アップルはこれらの色の選択肢を、iPhone、iPad、およびiPadミニを含む同社のその他の製品にまで広げることができるでしょう。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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The Japanese language (I'd love to be able to speak it fluently:)
The culture of your land
The kimonos of your people (I'd love to be able to see how they are made and to know about their history. I know I can't wear one, not with this body shape, although I'd really want to:)
Bushido (I'd love to live according to it and show that although I'm physically weaker than some people, my mind is a strong one and I deserve the name "Warrior")
Japanese weapons and martial arts (especially katanas and Taijutsu) [The reason why is the same as in Bushido]
Mangas and animes about female warriors (Female warriors show that they can be deadly oponents and should never be taken lightly only because of their gender)

