taiki (taiki) Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
Hospitals and Healthcare Publishing/Press Release Website
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
taiki English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

YTG is proud to announce a bonus class for the Winter semester: A two-week theatrical movement class at a special price. Returning students and students currently enrolled in other classes pay only 1500 Yen per class. New students pay 2000.

Instructor RTG will be teaching a two week course on movement for actors. RTG's teaching is heavily influenced by the "Viewpoints" technique, developed in the 1970s and 1980s by BBB. This type of movement work will be new to most actors, and RTG's two week class aims to provide an introduction. Beginners and more advanced students are welcome!

(for map and directions ::CLICK HERE::)





taiki English → Japanese
Original Text

This surfaced both the strengths and weakness of the products, which ultimately benefited the redesign for the average person as well.

In the case of matching people with jobs, why not look at a series of cases of remarkable employer to employee matches, both unconventional and conventional? We could also find answers by examining a series of concrete cases of seemingly ideal?yet failed attempts?to close the skills gap.

The third technique takes into account the human experience. You can design the most flawless systems on paper, but without taking into consideration the dynamic and quirky dimension of people, you’ll never get it right. That’s why "human-centered design" is a cornerstone of design thinking.





taiki English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Dear Shishido,

I hope you are well. I am writing from Singapore where I am currently working on an online Art website and i'd love to feature your work on my site for sale. Please do take a look at the draft site, beta.nowandthen.com.sg. The name of the site will be changed to The Artling (www.theartling.com) and will only feature art prints, mainly signed limited edition prints.

I'm particularly keen on featuring/selling your Illustration work and aim to have the artists featured on the site marketed in order to reach a wide audience.

Please do let me know if you are keen on collaborating.





元気にしてますか?今はシンガポールで美術品のウェブサイト開発に取り組んでいるんだけど、そこであなたの作品を商品として取り上げてみたいの。開発途中のサイトだけど是非とも見てみて。beta.nowandthen.com.sg.がアドレスです。サイトのはThe Artling (www.theartling.com) に変更して、版画だけを取り上げるつもり。作者のサインが入っている限定版のものだけね。



