Shino Case (sweetshino) Translations

ID Verified
Over 13 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

Revenue and Funding

Airizu charges a commission for each room-night booked via their website. In the future, Adrian also hopes to get advertising fee from property owners who want to list their apartments in top places. “We can also try to arrange other services for property owners, such as cleaning, supplying towels and bed sheets, etc. We could also offer car rental services to customers in near future, too.”

Airizu is funded by a German startup incubator, Rocket Internet, which has invested over 2 million Euros so far. Most recently Airizu has received a lot of interest from top tier funds and is actively in discussions for another round of funding.




Airizuは、ドイツのスタートアップインキュベーターである、Rocket Internetによって創設され、既に2百万ユーロドル以上が投資されている。最近では、Airizuは一流投資信託会社から多くの関心を受け、次回の資金のための議論が活発に行われている。

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text


14::  あなたと意見を言い合っても時間と翻訳やその他の金額浪費になるので



I decided not to return the item this time.

14:: This will be the last email as exchanging comments with you will be waste of my time and money for translation and other cost.

I would like to provide my comment as a buyer.
A buyer will make purchase decision by looking at the pictures and your 100% feedback.
I trusted you completely when I was purchasing the item.
If you did not have the same bronze statues that you posted on eBay, you should contact the buyer and ask if it is acceptable before the shipment. Title of the item on eBay clearly stated "with signature of the artist".
However, there was not signature on the item you shipped me. Therefore, I was very upset about it. I believe you should reconsider that point I mentioned in the future.

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

5:  You will return the items in their original condition to me and as soon as I receive them I will refund the purchase value and the original shipping cost.
I don't want anybody to be unhappy and I always keep my word.

However I will not tolerate any threats, any blackmails for leaving negative feedback, and any attempt to abuse Ebay's return policy or to harm my reputation.

U are free to open a case with Ebay. In this case I will prove my right. The outcome will be exactly the same (you will be ordered to return the items in their original condition to me and as soon as I receive them I will have to refund the purchase value and the original shipping cost), but it will take much longer.


5. 発送されたときと同じ状態で商品を私宛に返品してください。商品を受取次第、購入価格と発送時の送料を返金します。



sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

5 Major Trends That Changed Digital Entertainment in 2011

As 2011 comes to a close, it’s time to look back and reflect on some of the major events, changes and trends across various industries. Social and digital media are having a profound impact on how media entertainment content is created, consumed and distributed.

Music, television, movies and casual games are expanding, contracting and evolving at a dizzying pace. Here are some of the highlights.

1. Social TV and the iPad Transform the Boob Tube

Like other parts of the entertainment industry, social and digital are changing the way television is made, watched and broadcast.





1. ソーシャルテレビとiPadが一般的なテレビとなる


sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

And yes you can return items to the sellers, as I have informed you before. The options for returning a package are:

1. Ship back to the sender through your account. Our domestic shipping rates are not very competitive. Please let me know the complete shipping address with telephone number if you choose this option.

2. Return to Merchant via prepaid shipping label. Please contact the merchant to inquire about the return policy and procedure and to request a prepaid return shipping label. There is a $7 charge for us to process the return which includes attaching the prepaid label, removing the package from your account and tendering the package to the courier company.




2. 支払済み出荷ラベルで販売主に返品する。返品ポリシーと手続き、及び支払済み返品出荷ラベルの依頼については販売主に連絡をとって確認してください。支払済み出荷ラベル、アカウントから荷物を取り除く作業、発送業者へ荷物を渡す際の取り扱いを含む返品手続きのための手数料の$7を頂戴します。

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

I would very much try and establish a business relationship with you based on my whip holder and custom belt and cuff capabilities. It looks like there is a market there for American hand made leather products and that is my discipline. Perhaps we can find some sort of mutual agreement with sales commissions and so forth? I would love to custom make you some holders and have you endorse them at the very least.
If this is something that you would be interested in please get back to me. I've bee really trying to enter the international market for some time. However, I make specialty items for whips and ship holders and such. Maybe we can work on a design together?




sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

The claims approval process is based on the information we have and the information you provide to us to substantiate the damage claims—photos, statements and documentation. The information we had and that you provided to us did not substantiate the damage that you claimed. For example, damage claims are paid at the declared value or the purchase price whichever is lower. For example the photos you provided of the damage to the chainsaw was a minor scratch and no damage to the box that the chainsaw was shipped in.
We do regret this situation and we wish that the outcome had been different; however, this decision is final and we consider this matter closed.



sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

We reiterate the fact that Loving touch was not repaired but a new piece sent to you, as a matter of fact the item has been sold several times after and the same distinct crack that you refer to was also evident in the other pieces, simply because the baby is separate and attached before firing to the mother, when in the oven some times because of the expansion in the kiln there is a separation that looks like a crack. We spend valuable time in ensuring that items are packed very carefully and securely so that they reach safely their destination without damage, fact that you simply ignore and do not appreciate, and do not have time to neither peel stickers, repair items not change lap documentation.


繰り返になりますが、Loving touchは修復されていないのは事実です。その証拠に、貴方に送付したのと同じ物が後に何個か販売されましたが、どれも貴方が指摘したヒビが同じようにあります。これは単に、この赤ちゃんの商品が、母親と焼成される前、分離されたときにできたもので、窯の中で膨張した際に度々起こるもので、分離がヒビのように見えるだけです。お客様には十分ご理解いただけていないようですが、当社は、商品がきちんと丁寧に梱包され、破損なくお手元に到着するよう十分に時間をかけて作業を行っております。当社は、シールを剥がしたり、商品を修復したり、Lap登録書を変えたりという事をする時間はないのです。