Hello,I'm Ryo from Japan.I purchased 1 trangia on ebay the otherday.We sell outdoor goods on Japanese Amazon, Online shop and auction.We currently stock the goods from a different shop.We buy $10,000 of goods every month.Because of their bad business response, we are currently looking for a new seller.We are interested in your trangia, GSI, OPTIMUS, Primus, and VARGO.We can make payments directly outside ebay. Would you be able to give us discounts?We will pay via Paypal.
Thank you for contacting me.I very much appreciate your offer, but there's another shop offering me a price of $1440 for the amount of 180 including shipping to Florida.However, I am considering purchasing from you since we have done business before.If you can offer me the price of $1440 including shipping, I will take it.Please consider it. Thank you.Thank you for contacting me!It takes 15 days, right?OK, I will buy it from you.I will make the payment on May 1 so send me the bill please.Thank you.
申し訳ないのですが、ミニマムオーダー数を増やすことができません。次回、必ず秋冬商材を発注するので、今回の春夏商材は発注するのをやめます。今後は、工場の生産と商品 ミニマム発注数がわかりましたので、お客さんにきちっと説明して発注するようにします。ご迷惑おかけしましてすいませんでした。できれば、お客さんにオーダーの修正依頼を何度もすることはできないので、次回から早めにオーダー発注条件は、明確に教えて頂けませんでしょうか。
We are very sorry that we cannot increase the minimum order amount.We will certainly order autum-winter items next time, so we decided to cancel ordering the spring-summer items this time.From now on, we will place orders after a proper explanation to our customers now that we understand the factory's production and products and the minimum order amount. We apologise for any trouble we may have caused.Since we cannot repeatedly ask our customers for order changes, we would like you to inform us on the order conditions ASAP from next time.